So after what seems like years but in reality probably about 6-9 months I have final finished my latest project.
I wanted to produce a smooth jazz record, but with a slightly harder edge I also wanted the project to be done entirely in Band In a Box. Well I almost achieved it.
If you have heard the tracks Believe and Stronger Every Day which I posted a few weeks ago you will know that I took a different approach with this CD.
All songs started off in Ez-Keys to get the chord structures and piano parts down, the resulting midi was put into Band in a Box 2013 and styles were applied and tweaked to get the sound I was looking for. I then created multiple takes of the real track soloist some times 12-15 and these were all exported to wav files.
The wav files were then put into Logic Pro X where I setup part markers and added the great logic drummer which I mixed in with the real drums to add a little punch here and there.
The song was then carved up by the part markers and re-arranged sometimes duplicating a verse, splitting a part into 2 and re-arranging as needed. Once the structure was sound I then took all the wav files of the soloists and stacked them I then cut phrases and some times notes from each take to produce a composite track which had more melody like qualities than soloist. The was done for all the lead melody lines and some of the solos.
The final tracks were then mixed and mastered in Loci Pro X with ozone 5.
So the results are all instruments are Band in a Box, no additional live instruments are on the tracks and the only other instruments on them are the inclusion of the logic drummer.
I am really happy with the results, its been a lot of work but the vision I had for these songs has been achieved and its good to see just what Band in a Box is capable of.
Life In Slow Motion Album thanks