When working with this UT, thought the instrument was a low voiced
guitar. Thought that's odd. When loading into RB flagged as EP Grand.
Hence that was my choice. Was pleasantly surprised of the quality
of the Sonik Synth 2 piano selections.
This UT should fit some number of different types of music.
Doing the filter search EV8 70 the demo style came up. Its a slow
16, but seems to fit good.
Except one thing in my mind, sounds like a funeral dirge.

Remember rule #3 Select/insert UserTrack before generating music.

This is the demo: FWIW, I clipped the demo was too long.
_APOPASX-STY Demo-EP, SonikSyn2,7ftGrnd,EV70.WMA 2.7 meg

This is the UT Zip Pak.
It also contains the demo.
Piano, Electric, SonikSynth2, 7foot Grand, Rhythm, Ev 70.zip 70.44 meg

Hope this can become part of your music...

Magic word Feedback.....


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum