The Wolf on Youtube It is with a little bit of trepidation that I post this song but I thought, what the heck, I am more than likely going to do a rewrite anyway and I sure you will give me some constructive criticism.
A funny thing happened with my vocal on this one. I think the problem came in because I was not completely comfortable with the song before trying to record it. Also, having joined Dueling Mixes, I was messing around with my normal workflow. But the main thing was on the vocal was the “Dipthongs” (two sounds on one syllable) that I was doing. I suddenly started noticing them and they irritated me. So I tried to record not doing the “dipthongs” and the result was less than satisfactory. This is the first time this has happened to me since I started recording my stuff at the end of 2013.
The song is another co-write with John C Gull, based on a true story and I like the lyrics. I think they could do with some sculpting.
Any constructive feedback is much appreciated.
A helicopter in the sky
Carries a hunter whose orders, wolves must die
Ranchers want them out of state
Killings happen at an unprecedented rate
On the snow below he sees a pack
He prepares to start his fateful attack
Bullet strikes he hears the cry
The snow below runs red with blood
The snow is red with blood
The snow runs red with blood
A wounded wolf took off and ran
Into the woods the hunter could not scan
He told the pilot he must land
He took a trail of blood to find the wolf’s last stand
When he came to the place he realized
That all he’d heard was a just pack of lies
Just a web of lies
Tissue of lies
He put the wolf out of his pain
Dug a grave and put him out of the snow and rain
He cursed and smashed his gun against a tree
He cried for lost humanity
He had learned to expect an attack
A wounded wolf will always fight back
But the wolf did not attack
The wolf did not fight back
When we kill their natural prey
How can we blame them when they stray?
Help us save
the forest that they grace
Let them have their space
help us save
the forest that they grace
Bass: 1759
Drums: Nashville Even 16
Shaker loop
Guitars: 378, 833, 832,1032
Cello 1856
PS: Guenter - here is the link on dropbox for you
The Wolf on Dropbox for Guenter