This is a song I am entering in songwriting competitions . . .
As usual, I wrote a song . . . made a chord chart . . . and then went to BIAB to find a match for what I had written.
For this song, I chose =Dunn_F.STY Nash, Rock Bal, fpk quit for its Nadia's theme type feel that came closest to what I had written.
Since it was mostly Midi, I tried to liven up the midi piano by adding Brandenburg samples from IK Multimedia (it did make it much better)
To liven up #50 slow string midi part, I added Miroslav Philharmonik
I got rid of the midi finger bass and added 1592 pop 16th bass.
Even after I did all of this, the piano part just had that dead midi feel to it. It was technically correct but lacked the life it needed for a song like this . . .
I found a Studio in town that had a Yamaha C7 Grand Piano and had a very talented piano player come in and re-record the piano part for me (I gave him the sheet music that BIAB generates for midi parts and told him to do his thing)
I also had a good friend and world renowned violin player that has played for Kings before come in and lay some violin parts.
The vocals were recorded in both my home studio by my good friend Rob and in the recording studio on a 10K Sony tube mic . . . The vocals we recorded at my home studio on my Avantone CV-12 came out better so that is what you are hearing exclusively on this track.
It is mixed using Cubase 8 Elements
Here is the track: