Pat Marr
This is definitely the best review I have ever had period!
I was worried that it did sound like an unstructured jam session, it
could have had a better beginning and ending, and it could have been louder.
But I was happy, over all with the arrangement, and was too excited to mix it
properly, lol!
Pat Marr { (wrote)
Do you play live by any chance? If not, you're cheating the people in your town out
of an opportunity to be entertained to the max by your music!
Well, Pat I play the keyboard in bed... hence LazyPianoMan
I have almost finished doing another Chord-mapping system.
The Song "Doing my thing" is a test of my latest mapping:
I wanted to know if what I am building is compatible with BIAB;
according to your review.... I would say the answer is "yes"
I have problems with my back, I have never played in a band...
But there may come a day...
My goal is to sing (gibberish first) while improvising on the piano;
Then find a singer to improvise with...
Thanks so much for your kind words & support!
P.S The Tethered 2016 link is where I share my chord-mapping
Tethered 2016