Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You!!!! This is anuther one of the Stories of "The Hugh Jiddyut Quartet and Discount Liquor Store Revue"!
People think the Blues are about hard times
but it's really Bluegrass,
because there are no Bluegrass dues to be paid.
Only endless walks to the Liquor Store,
with drunk women a Catter Wallin
and the never ending butt dialed calls,
from drunks, who care little for your hangover
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
You Done Drunked up all my beer
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
how the heck did I get here
You rolled right outta bed and drank a 6 pack today
followed by a little whiskey drink
it's lookin much the same as it was yesterday
you start babbling, and I begin to think
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
You Done Drunked up all my beer
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
how the heck did I get here
With a Couple of beers, I could happy up today
And a couple of more, be on out the door
and no telling just what I might say
Do me a big favor, and just pop this top
fetch me chips and some spray cheese
be a wallering here, till you get back
and pass that tv remote if you please
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
You Done Drunked up all my beer
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
how the heck did I get here
With a Couple of beers, I could happy up today
And a couple of more, be on out the door
and no telling just what I might say
But Margarita time is just around the bend
Followed by Whiskey time at eight
10 am it's time for them jello shots
and you hate it when I'm a second late
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
You Done Drunked up all my beer
Oh Blah Me, Oh Blah You, Oh Blah Blah…Blah
how the heck did I get here