I'm absolutely loving the newly released Xtra Styles!

My favorite, Far Out Disco with Funky Clav (_FAROUT) http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FAROUT.m4a
Can't help but groove to this old time funky feelin'

The hilarious style names are an added bonus. Who comes up with this stuff!?

Deputy Honkey Tonk Rhythm (_DEPUTY) http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DEPUTY.m4a

Vulgar Sludge Metal (_VULGAR) http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_VULGAR.m4a
Dahlia Acid Jazz Waltz (_DAHLIA) http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DAHLIA.m4a

Which of the newest Xtra Styles is your favorite?!

Alyssa - PG Music