TELL ME Hi all,
well, after 2 weeks (sweetLady D) & (me) scored this track...
I first made a track on iRealPro put it on my FL mobile and tickled the ivory's and played piano on my tablet. and sent it to SLD...
SLD sung some vocals, where I add Sax (BIAB)....
then I killed irealPro Piano... then improvised piano over the song 14 x
I took the best of my piano play and merged it on the track, sent for new vocals.
Again to many progressions in one song
So I looked at what progressions could loop back to it's self
I combined the looped progressions, and sent for new vocals.
I think sweetLadyD did a pretty good job!
Bass :irealPro & BIAB 1916Bass,Acoustic,Jazz Sw 085
Piano :my self & BIAB 1895Piano,Rhythm Jazz Sw 085
Drums irealPro & BIAB RealDrums+JazzyTerryClark 05-BrushSticks
its the first time the solo sax was wrapped by a new progression.
I hope you like it! #SmoothSoftJazz with vocals