Very Stoopid is Ya We know just how you folks that follow us on our tour of all the Golden Corrals on North-Waisted Highway here in Dallas. Ok…. I know there's only one……... sometimes you just gotta reach for the stars,
or in our case the Ham with Possum innerd gravy special,
ever Toos-Dee night! We gonna break tree-dition and do a little 70's…… er was it 80's stuff.
Very Stupid Is Ya,
watchin that TV
Very Stupid Is Ya
That there ain't fer me
Spent the day facebookin
posted up some memes
folks all think Yo Crazy
of that I can believe!
You cain't learnd, a thang,
You'll never understand.
We just suffer,
Stupid is ya taday.
"Two Words Jean Pool"
Very Stupid Is Ye,
hate to be uh-nass.
Very Stoopid is Ya
you big ol hunk-o-gas.
This 13 year old tater
done smater than you
Cain't use yoo as a waiter,
cuz yer dumber than glue
When You believe anything,
that it says on a meme
We all suffer,
Stupid is ya today.
Very Stupid Is Ya,
cain't work a plumber's friend
Very Stupid Is Ya
just hold the other end.
Ma even claims that
yoos found under a house
You was so durn stoopid
we thought ya was a mouse.
My son was the 7th son of a 7th sun, When I found out Lula was preggerent, I yelled Sumbicts 7 times, and stayed drunk till
7 Sundays had passed.
What do you have in that bag?
And he say “chickens, why?”
“If I guess how many chickens you got in that bag there,
can i have one?”
And he says: “If you guess how many chickens are in this bag,
I’ll give you both of them!” (Didja Guess?)
After his wedding May Belle whispers:
“Please be gentle with me, I’m a virgin."
He jumped up a cryin, grabs his pants, and rand homen tolded me. And I said, be okay, boy. If she wasn’t good enough for her family, then she ain’t goodenuff for ours neither."
Well I guess he was pretty stoopid
We was gonna name him Rock,
but that name was already taken by some cele-brrr-tee guy.
Thats why we named him "Stumpy",
not cause he's short or nuthin
it's just a name that fits his face.
Dang Issa whachew smokin?
Ewe Know!!!
(Yood knowded he's fragiled up!)