Driving Bluegrass style with Doc Banjo. Just more stupidity!
Zombie Boyfriend One stake is all it takes
to kill a vampire man.
But a broken heart
will kill you quicker if it can.
Thats’ why I wanna be
your Zombie Boyfriend.
I’de sure expect this kind of love
would never end.
I’ll be your Zombie Boyfriend
until day the day we die
It’ll seem like near forever
we all know Netflix lies.
You’re gonna be real happy,
with our little baby bat.
Zombie kitties everywhere
chasing Zombie Rats.
You’re dang sure cute and Goth
I dang sure like you a loth.
Your long black nails
make me wanna wail.
You got thangs a Zombie want
and ever thang I don’t
But you don’t seem to notice
I’m alive
I was…
gonna be your Zombie Boyfriend
but I ate your brain instead
I’m starting to regret it now
hate to see what I done did.
in retraspect I liked you
exactly how you is.
Should have thunk it over,
before I done did this.
You’re dang sure cute and Goth
I dang sure like you a loth.
Your long black nails
make me wanna wail.
You got thangs a Zombie want
and ever thang I don’t
But you don’t seem to notice
I’m alive
Dang… shoulda thunked that over
before I ate your brain.
Hey!!!! you know
Zombies ain’t all knowing
if you weren’t glued to Netflix
you’de know that!
Answer me, Answer me Cat!!!
Stop ignoring me!!!
Kitty Kitty Kitty ,
or great now
the cat is walking away too.
Danged ol Zombie Cat
fricker frackin danged ol zombie cat!
Don’t you come back cryin fer nothin!