2020 12 Hallelujah Sing to Jesus
by James Conrad © 2020
https://soundcloud.com/jamestoffee/2020-12-hallelujah-sing-to-jesus Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
We will praise Him all our days
He is exalted
Worthy of all praise
Hallelujah sing to Jesus
Hallelujah to our King
Hallelujah sing
Hallelujah sing to Jesus
The stone rejected became the cornerstone
Glory and honor belong to Him alone
He is our Savior
He is our Lord
He humbled Himself obedient to death on a cross
The Lamb of God bore the sins of the world
ch 2x
Band in a Box 2020 UltraPAK
_BLUWALT.STY (Bluegrass Waltz Harmonica) RT 283
Deleted: Harmonica track
Added: Drums PopWaltz Craig Scott Ntn2
Key E w/ key change to Eb
155 bpm
DAW Sonar Platinum