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Lost In Timelooking through some old photographs you and me still happy together takes me back to when you still loved me
on the beach watching waves and holding hands building castles made of sand
i lost track of the dreams that didn't come true you kept count of the times when i disappointed you
in the end i was crying all of the time back when you were mine
in my dreams i'm holding you close thinking we are still together whisper soft you still love me
make believing that somehow things were fine back when you were mine
what became of those two young kids of the beach tried to make it but love was somehow out of reach my heart's still broken by those things we'll never find somewhere lost in time
i still mourning all the dreams we left behind somewhere lost in time somewhere lost in timeInstrumentsBass, Electric, ClassicFunkRootFiveAlex Ev 130 Drums, FunkyGroove60s Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SoulJazzMike Ev 130 Piano, Acoustic, Rhthm PopUplift Held Ev16 120 Piano, Electric, HeldChords 120 Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 136 Guitar, 12 String Acoustic Fingerpicking Ev 120 Vocals: Synthesizer V, Eleanor Forte (Lite) Cornet: Kontakt, The Trumpet Effects ChainsVocals: TR5 Sunset Sound Studio, GW VoiceCentric Guitar: EZMix, TR5 Sunset Sound Studio Drums: Neutron3, TrackSpacer, TR5 Sunset Sound Studio Piano1: TrackSpacer, ReaEQ, TR5 Sunset Sound Studio Piano2: EZMix, TR5 Sunset Sound Studio Bass: Neutron3 12 String Guitar: Electric Piano: ReEQ, PingPongPan Cornet: ReaEQ, Raum, BlockFish Master Buss: Ozone Imager, Lurssen Mastering Console Blah Blah BlahThis started from the demo _STEPPIN Demo - Steppin' Even Soul Jazz w Piano. Once again I chose a song which didn't have an obvious chorus, and didn't structure the melody in a way that broke into a verse/chorus structure. Ooops. Seems I never learn. Once I had the chords worked out, I imported the backing track into the Synthesizer V Editor (I finally got around to purchasing it) and worked out an initial melody. Once that was in place, I decided add an instrumental break and a tag. That set up the basic song structure, and determined where the "hook" would go. The phrase "Somewhere lost in time" fit nicely, so I started with that and worked backwards. I really didn't have a good idea where the song was going to go, so I wrote a bunch of stuff which didn't seem like it was going to fit. I've set the overly-ambitious goal of a song a week (until I run out of steam). Over a week in, I had nothing more than a bunch of lyrics I didn't like, and not much else to show for it. Eventually just toughed it out and got first verse worked out. Lathe, rinse, repeat. The entire process of songwriting for me is basically rewriting. A lot of things I was fond of came and went, either because it was to close to what I'd written in a prior song, or the words were hard to understand, or it didn't advance the story, or it didn't rhyme... the standard reasons for re-doing lyrics. So much rewriting. I'd be in the middle of the mix, hear a line for the zillionth time, and figure out what I really should have written. The nice thing about a synthetic vocalist is they don't complain when you keep rewriting.  When I finish the process, I'm mostly just happy that I got through another song, and the lingering suspicion that I accidentally wrote someone else's song I'd heard before. I'd hoped to keep it 100% BiaB (out of laziness) but didn't find any instruments that I thought fit well, so I ended up playing the cornet part on my EWI. I was thinking of putting an alto sax on instead, but the break already had enough of a "Constant Craving" vibe. (Yeah, I know the instrument in that song is an accordion. It's still a reed instrument.) I didn't add harmonies, mostly because the song didn't seem to call for it. I was going add some Ooohs and Aaaaahs from BiaB, but I couldn't find any that fit the tempo. Because I had an "extra" week to work on the song, I figured I'd spend time trying to get a better performance. My goal wasn't to convince anyone they were listening to a real person, but remove things that made it obvious they weren't listening to a person.  Fortunately, there are a fair number of Synthesizer V songs on YouTube, with the actual song data being displayed as the song plays. So I've been able to pick up some techniques. In terms of time spent, most of the time changing lyrics, and then on moving notes around, and then changing on tuning the phonemes. Adjusting the parameters was pretty straight-forward. Then the mixing. Again, way too many iterations. But this time I actually checked out how it sounded in mono (less good than stereo, of course). As always, comments of any sort are welcome! 
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HI David ...
Super impressed! Also, in addition to a Synth Vocal, the BIAB musicians never complain about redos and never demand a raise!
I can't comment on the technical aspects of this, as I have no technical comprehension of such a project. But I can try to imagine the time and effort required to produce something like this. And it all paid off. BTW, Constant Craving is a favorite of mine and Di used to sing it so dang good!
I love this genre and play around with it frequently. And, I as you sometimes do, I often have a title in mind and create the based around that. In a way, it's kind of like writing for spec. You set the parameters and then go about creating within them.
Lyrics are always my weakness. Your lyric here is perfectly fine. It flows with the music and complements it well. You are gifted with the Synth Vocalizer. I can't even begin to imagine that process!
Another super listen. Best to you ...
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Absolutely impressive,
Your command over synthesized vocals shines through.
Melodically this is super interesting. Excellent in fact.
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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Those vocaloids are getting so much better. And if the genre is correct, they can be an absolute hand in a glove match. This is really close to that standard.
The song has a very smooth and cool groove. I like it.
Only nits I have are at :56 and 1:53 where the note is off on the vox. I image that's a simple fix.
Nice job on this song.
You can find my music at: www.herbhartley.comAdd nothing that adds nothing to the music. You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both. The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
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Super impressed! Also, in addition to a Synth Vocal, the BIAB musicians never complain about redos and never demand a raise! Hi, Alan. Yes, that's certainly a bonus!  I love this genre and play around with it frequently. And, I as you sometimes do, I often have a title in mind and create the based around that. In a way, it's kind of like writing for spec. You set the parameters and then go about creating within them. Only sometimes my "client" is a bit too vague about the spec.  Once I get enough of the parameters worked out, it's a bit easier. Lyrics are always my weakness. Your lyric here is perfectly fine. It flows with the music and complements it well. Thanks! Everything else is pretty easy, which is why instrumentals feel like a cheat. I enjoy making and listening to them, but it feels like I'm an artist who's choosing to draw portraits of people from the waist up, so I can avoid having to draw hands.  Glad you could stop and listen!
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Joined: Sep 2010
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Absolutely impressive,
Your command over synthesized vocals shines through.
Melodically this is super interesting. Excellent in fact. Thanks, Trevor!  I appreciate the positive feedback. After working on a song for too long, I lose perspective on how it actually sounds.
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Those vocaloids are getting so much better. And if the genre is correct, they can be an absolute hand in a glove match. This is really close to that standard. I'll see what I can do to bridge that gap a bit more. The song has a very smooth and cool groove. I like it. Thanks! Only nits I have are at :56 and 1:53 where the note is off on the vox. I image that's a simple fix. Those were actually intentional - there are some "interesting" melodic choices which clash a bit with the harmony. They aren't as harsh after you've listened to them dozens of times, but I'll consider fixing it. Glad to have the feedback! 
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Hi dcuny,
Nice work and nice demo of what synthesizer V can do. All songwriters often come back to the same themes but that is not disturbing. In this composition some well-dosed instruments all bring their charm. And the result is pleasant. Well done.
Kindly regard Derochette alias JaniJackFlash
Kindly regards Derochette alias JaniJackFlash
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Hi David,
Loved that intro! That trumpet sounds great.
I think vocally this has to be the best one you have done yet! Very realistic, just a couple of spots where it sounds off.
Good song, enjoyed!
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Well done! The mix is superb and overall a great write!
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A nice ear-grabbing opening...a bit of a Herb-Albert-vibe to it. (Forgive the "sounds like" references) - the rest of the song has a Bacharach-David sound/feel (both high standards - that you easily met). Killer melody.
Great backbone (drums and bass). The overall mix is excellent.
THE best vocaloid I've ever heard. (admittedly, I haven't heard a LOT). I can understand every word without reading lyrics. The vocal inflections are getting might close to "natural".
A solid write.
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Nice work and nice demo of what synthesizer V can do. All songwriters often come back to the same themes but that is not disturbing. In this composition some well-dosed instruments all bring their charm. And the result is pleasant. Well done. Hi, Derochette. James Taylor has said that he's written about 150 songs, but he's really written about 25 songs 10 times. There's nothing wrong with variations on a theme, but I'm just a bit surprised that my repertoire of phrases is so small. Hopefully practice (and rewriting) will help get me out of that rut. Thanks for commenting! Glad to hear you liked the song. 
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Loved that intro! That trumpet sounds great. Hi, Dave. Thanks! I did a couple attempts using other instruments, and they were meh. Fortunately, I got lucky with the cornet. I think vocally this has to be the best one you have done yet! Very realistic, just a couple of spots where it sounds off. Thanks again. Feel free to mention specific elements that are "off". After working with something for a while, the ear sort of becomes inured to elements. Really, the part I worry about the most. Awesome! 
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Well done! The mix is superb and overall a great write! Thanks, Lawrence! I appreciate you noticing the mix (and the write). 
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A nice ear-grabbing opening...a bit of a Herb-Albert-vibe to it. Hi, floyd jane. I'll take Herb Albert "sounds like" references all day long! I know he's not the best trumpeter in the business, but his "sound" is what's in my head. Even if it was Chuck Findley on most of those Carpenters albums.  I wasn't sure the intro would fit - it's not really related to the rest of the song - but I'm happy with how it turned out. (Forgive the "sounds like" references) - the rest of the song has a Bacharach-David sound/feel (both high standards - that you easily met). Killer melody. Flattery will get you everywhere - especially if you mention Bacharach. Do continue.  Speaking of Burt, he's recently release a new short album with David Tashian called Blue Umbrella. Great backbone (drums and bass). The overall mix is excellent. You know I'm always thinking of you when I'm working on those instruments. I'm happy to hear it gets your stamp of approval. THE best vocaloid I've ever heard. (admittedly, I haven't heard a LOT). I can understand every word without reading lyrics. The vocal inflections are getting might close to "natural". I've heard a lot, so I'll apply the metaphorical grain of salt. But it's good to hear that I'm going in the right direction, especially with expression. I tend to lean in a bit too much with the breathiness. I think it will do me good to spend some time listening to real singers and taking notes. I'm happy to hear it's intelligible! That's always a big goal of mine. The "Pro" version of the editor offers alternate phonemes, but sometimes (fortunately not that often) the singer flubs a particular combination, so it can take a bit of work to get her to sing it right. As I mentioned elsewhere, if there are specific things about the vocal that stick out as "wrong", that would be good to know. In the end, the performance is still going to be "off". There are some things I just wasn't sure of because I'm not used to working with a voice that can go that high. Good to hear, especially from you.  Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment!
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You are on a roll lately! This sounds really great! You are delivering a super clean sound with everything you produce! Great job placing that horn sound in this! Take care, T
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David, I am very impressed with the quality of the vocal. The mix is excellent and the write has some great lines. The arrangement has some really nice changes and the trumpet sounds great. Very nicely done,Tom
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]I think vocally this has to be the best one you have done yet! Very realistic, just a couple of spots where it sounds off. Thanks again. Feel free to mention specific elements that are "off". After working with something for a while, the ear sort of becomes inured to elements. Ok, listened again The two spots that jumped out at me were :56, the way "disappointed" is phrased, and 1:17, "close".
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This is an impressive production. Everything fits together quite well. Enjoyed this a lot.
BIAB 2025:RB 2025, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.
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Innocently romantic lyrics, reminds me J-Pop with some 60's flavor. The melody is again enjoyable pop and the chord progression has nice surprises. I like the trumpet, creates nicely the nostalgic mood. The bass/drum have enjoyable groove and they are mixed perfectly. Eleanor sounds better than in your previous songs, or maybe better than in any song I have heard, maybe you have added more little details, but at least the vocal range is very natural now.
Thanks for the backstory, they are always interesting to read.
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