I think, except Greeks, this video will be interested in all musicians who want to learn about Rebetiko [hassapiko and Zeibekiko - it is the Greek "jazz"]!
A video, I think will be useful, for the beginners to any musical instrument, but especially singers. "Keeping the Time" can be easy for all simple and compound measures, except the 9/8 of the zeibekiko (NOT the 9/8 of the Western Music!)
These 9/8 of Greek zeibekiko is a "science" and requires a lot of practice!
Important is “entrance”, too! If the " entrance " of the solistic instrument or of the singer (entering the song at the right time not only in the initial accent, but also in the rest of the accents of the measure.) is not done, by the singer correctly, but before or after, the result will be to "lose" the performance of the song! This experience of “entrance” is acquired by learning the song well and with many rehearsals in the corresponding zeibekiko repertoire. Otherwise, such singers break the nerves of the musicians of the orchestra!!
Better a not-so-good voice and correct timing on the accents of the meter, than calliphony and incorrect timing! All these are explained in the video in a simple way and examples!