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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Last edited by musocity; 01/09/24 07:05 AM.
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Hey Musocity, I tried running the script and got a popup notification reading "No project markers present!" Am I missing a step? TIA
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Is it giving a line number error for the script ? This is the script I use (click Edit to look at script): Script: Write take markers to all items on selected track source folder name.lua function Msg(value)
os_type = reaper.GetOS() -- "Mac OSX" -- "Win64" --
sel_track = reaper.GetSelectedTrack2( 0, 0, 0 )
sel_track_count = reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0)
if not sel_track then
reaper.MB("Select Track", "Notice",0)
goto finish_tm
if sel_track_count ~= 1 then
reaper.MB("Select 1 Track", "Notice",0)
goto finish_tm
reaper.Undo_BeginBlock() -- Begining of the undo block. Leave it at the top of your main function.
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40289,0) -- Item: Unselect (clear selection of) all items
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40421,0) -- Item: Select all items in track
for i=0, reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0)-1 do
media_item = reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
take = reaper.GetMediaItemTake(media_item, 0)
source = reaper.GetMediaSourceFileName(reaper.GetMediaItemTake_Source(take), "")
startOffset = reaper.GetMediaItemTakeInfo_Value(take, "D_STARTOFFS")
--Msg("source "..source)
if string.find(source,"Drums") or string.find(source,"DRUMS")then
drums = 1
drums = 0
--Msg("drums "..drums)
if source then
if os_type ~= "Win32" and os_type ~= "Win64" then
--Mac OS
RT_track_name = string.match(source, "RealTracks/(.+)/")
if string.find(source,"Drums") then
RD_track_name = string.match(source, "Drums/(.+)/")
if string.find(source,"DRUMS")then
RD_track_name = string.match(source, "DRUMS/(.+)/")
--Win OS
RT_track_name = string.match(source, "RealTracks\\(.+)\\")
if string.find(source,"Drums") then
RD_track_name = string.match(source, "Drums\\(.+)\\")
if string.find(source,"DRUMS") then
RD_track_name = string.match(source, "DRUMS\\(.+)\\")
if drums == 0 then
track_name = RT_track_name
track_name = RD_track_name
--Msg("track_name "..track_name)
reaper.SetTakeMarker( take, 0, track_name, startOffset, reaper.ColorToNative(80, 237, 123 )|0x1000000)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40289,0) -- Item: Unselect (clear selection of) all items
reaper.UpdateArrange() -- Update the arrangement (often needed)
reaper.Undo_EndBlock("Write take markers to track items", -1) -- End of the undo block. Leave it at the bottom of your main function.
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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No line number. I've attached a screenshot so you could also see what items were and weren't checked in the Send to Reaper options in case that is affecting things. (I am trying to keep as few things checked for fear of generating files that I don't need...) ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29750&filename=Reaper Script No project markers present.PNG)
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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You are using a different Script: ReaTrak amagalma_Write project markers or regions as media cues to selected items active takes source files.lua to write chord names into the wav file you need some regions or markers, to get them just unfold the BB Plugin Chord sheet, then drag the C7 icon (right click for options) to the start of an empty track in Reaper and import the markers, you can leave as markers or change to regions with action > markers to regions
The script here is to write the RealTrack or RealDrum name in the items as take markers, this only works if you are using WAV Instructions in Reaper. It will look at the RealTrack/Drum source folder name.
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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You have Send Audio for Midi track, this will take longer, best to uncheck that and just drag the midi in or use a Send. So the "Script: Write take markers to all items on selected track source folder name.lua" will only work on the RT/RD using wav instructions (all the little separate items) it won't work on a rendered midi to wav file. EDIT: there is also "Script: ReaTrak insert media cue to selected item active take wav source file.lua" that will write text into a wav file as a cue where the cursor is in selected item.
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Omg, I feel like a moron for missing that I was using the wrong script  For some reason when copied the proper script to me folder and rebooted Reaper it did not show up when I searched for in the action list. So I imported it instead and it worked like a charm! And wow, thanks a lot for this script! At the very least, I can see how helpful it would be to see everything especially when you are working on a region further towards the right side of the screen, and also when reordering and reorganizing tracks. But then I realized that the fact the text is embedded in each item, and I can drag things around and have multiple items from multiple tracks all on a single track with each item being clearly demarcated what it is.... this is absolute genius!!!  Is there a way to embed the chord information as well?
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Follow up question: Is there a way to "Favorite" scripts?
And another issue just popped up. I'm not sure what I did, but now whenever I try to run the scrip I got a popup error box saying "...rs to all items on selected track source folder name.lua:79: bad argument #3 to 'SetTakeMarker' (string expected, got nil)" (the error message begins with the ellipsis)
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Fantastic! I'll try this out and let you know if I have any issues :-)
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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And yet another follow up question, if I can't get it to also automatically generate chord info with the RT info in each item, is it possible to modify the text to add that information?
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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You have a recent list in the Actions menu, or you can go to the Scripts folder, copy a script then rename it with a unique name in front of it the load that script in, then search for that name. You should be able to make a toolbar with buttons that run scripts. https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=1157743![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29751&filename=Reaper-Toolbar-Buttons.png) ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29752&filename=Reaper-Toolbar-Buttons2.png)
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Follow up question: Is there a way to "Favorite" scripts?
And another issue just popped up. I'm not sure what I did, but now whenever I try to run the scrip I got a popup error box saying "...rs to all items on selected track source folder name.lua:79: bad argument #3 to 'SetTakeMarker' (string expected, got nil)" (the error message begins with the ellipsis) That only works if the item source is in the RealTracks or Drums folder. Right click on the item > Source properties (this will show the file and path) send me a pic
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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You have a recent list in the Actions menu, or you can go to the Scripts folder, copy a script then rename it with a unique name in front of it the load that script in, then search for that name. You should be able to make a toolbar with buttons that run scripts. https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=1157743![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29751&filename=Reaper-Toolbar-Buttons.png) ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29752&filename=Reaper-Toolbar-Buttons2.png) Where can I find this toolbar? I tried finding that action and searched the Reatrack sub folders in my script folder for "Reatrak MIDI Toolbar" and can't find it there...
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Follow up question: Is there a way to "Favorite" scripts?
And another issue just popped up. I'm not sure what I did, but now whenever I try to run the scrip I got a popup error box saying "...rs to all items on selected track source folder name.lua:79: bad argument #3 to 'SetTakeMarker' (string expected, got nil)" (the error message begins with the ellipsis) That only works if the item source is in the RealTracks or Drums folder. Right click on the item > Source properties (this will show the file and path) send me a pic Ah OK, that's starting to make sense. Because I had generated a few more tracks at that point, and some had the BBplugin folder as the source (where it did not work), and others had bb\RealTracks as the source folder, and it works there. Thing is that I generated all the tracks via the plugin (in the sense that none were "dragged in" from the main program, so why the difference? Now that I think of it, I generated the later tracks up top and dragged them in from the side panel rather than using "Send to Reaper." I tried the latter method again, and all is working well! Leaving this rambling comment here for others who may run in to the same issue. Thanks!
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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And yet another follow up question, if I can't get it to also automatically generate chord info with the RT info in each item, is it possible to modify the text to add that information? https://stash.reaper.fm/v/49718/ReaTrak-Create-text-items-on-first-selected-track-from-regions.zipyou can Insert > Empty item set track to Free item positioning, overlay on place under or on top you can group them so the text item chord name will stick to the audio item ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29753&filename=Reaper-Text-Item.png) ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29754&filename=Reaper-Text-Item2.png)
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29755&filename=BB25-Plugin-Reaper-Chord-Midi.gif) You could also copy the midi chord track instead of text items
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29755&filename=BB25-Plugin-Reaper-Chord-Midi.gif) You could also copy the midi chord track instead of text items This appears to be the best method. However, my chord sheet when I drag it from the plugin is with MIDI and does not look as optimal for an overlay. ![[Linked Image - Only viewable when logged in]](https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=29756&filename=MIDI Chord sheet.PNG) Edit: Nevermind this last bit, I see I just needed to select the chord label option under the dropdown
Last edited by DeaconBlues09; 01/05/25 03:13 AM.
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Band-in-a-Box VST and Pro Tools/AAX DAW Plugin (Windows)
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Another issue, before I wrote that when I use "Send to Reaper" the source of the item the bb/Realtracks (as opposed to the BBplugin). Well, to my great despair that behavior does not remain consistent, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to keep it from only generating such that the source is the Realtrack folders so I can run the script
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
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Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
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Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
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