Our team consisted of: AudioTrack Cerio Gordon Scott Jpettit MarioD Rob Helms Rustyspoon# and myself
The purpose of the white paper is twofold. Firstly, to examine BiaB’s current state of development as a computer-assisted music creation tool and secondly, to describe an end-user-centric vision of what we believe Band-in-a-Box ultimately should become.
We would be interested in thoughtful feedback in what we produced. What did we get wrong? What did we get right? What could be improved? What did we omit?
If you reply, please copy and paste the relevant text for clarity. This will help us understand the specific section of the paper you are referring to. It will also help us better appreciate the point you are making. We plan to update this paper when sufficient changes to the program or in the industry happen.
To anyone interested in joining our humble "think tank", we need motivated individuals with something relevant to say on the subject. The following skills and attributes would be particularly useful to us:
1. Mastery of BiaB 2. Skillful musicianship 3. Project management experience 4. Technical writing and strong English skills (the ability to articulate a vision) 5. Experience with technical graphics 6. Familiarity with other music software tools such as Plugins 7. Understanding of good software design practices and GUI layout 8. AI experience
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
WHITE PAPER 8.Realistic Live Tracks: The software excels at creating realistic live tracks (stems) that follow your chords and are performed by live musicians. This feature, which predates AI, can save you time and assist in songwriting and practice. It includes RealTracks (RTs), RealDrums (RDs), and Super MIDI tracks (SMT
Should include UserTracks, loops, and more importantly, Artist Performance Files
PG Music: ----- UserTracks.
These are like RealTracks. You record a WAV file along to a standard BiaB song (SGU). Put it in a folder (the folder’s name is the name you want for the UserTracks), and then put the folder in the RealTracks\UserTracks folder. You can add multiple sgu/wav songs to the same folder to get more variations.
UserTracks are user created audio files that can be used the same as RealTracks and are capable of creating audio that is omitted from the current list of real instrument recordings or playing patterns of strumming or fingerpicking or otherwise custom patterns of an instrument in which BIAB's database doesn't contain.
PG Music: ----- Loops.
To make these, you just make WAV or WMA files (m4a for Mac), and put them in the C:\bb\RealTracks\Loops folder. Loops can be:
1. Nature sounds (no tempo stretching or transpose). 2. Drums/percussion sounds (tempo stretched, but no transpose). 3. Pitched sounds (tempo stretched and transposed to current chord).
PG Music: ----- Artist Performance Files.
These are audio files, that you put on a track, that can also have the MIDI transcription of it. People hear the audio, and see the MIDI in notation/guitar tab etc. For example, if you are a great bluegrass fiddle player, you could put your songs in this format. People can listen to your real playing, see the notes on screen, slow them down etc. - all inside Band-in-a-Box where they can do other things like solo/mute other tracks, mix them etc.
Artist Performance Files are used by PG Music in several different ways such as converting edited RealTracks into audio files that BIAB will save. They preserve material by preventing regeneration, are an advanced version of freezing a track, allows all of the audio editing features of BIAB, auto naming, and auto-loading of saved audio into an existing SGU file. APT's have orange color coding for ease of identification the same as RealTracks, SuperMidi and Midi tracks.
Artist Performance Files are used by users to create custom audio recordings that BIAB does not have the RealTrack data to generate. This can be custom licks, song specific strumming or drumming patterns, midi converted to audio tracks, merging multiple tracks into stereo stems, vocal tracks, backing vocal tracks, bounce mixes, bus mixes, APF's allow BIAB to function as a digital multi track recorder with the capability to expand a project of any year or version of BIAB that has audio capability to perform, record and contain more than the physical limit of eight or twenty four tracks. APF's function the same as virtual tracks on digital hardware recorders.
I suggest the list of positive features should include this board which itself speaks to PG Music’s dedication to its customers. How often nowadays does one find a civil well moderated board? For most companies you have little choice for an opportunity to express opinions other than product support, Facebook groups or Reddit. I think PG Music’s tolerance of the way some (but not all negativity) is expressed speaks volumes.
Our albums and singles are on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Pandora and more. If interested search on Janice Merritt. Thanks! Our Videos are here on our website.
I suggest the list of positive features should include this board which itself speaks to PG Music’s dedication to its customers. Bud
Bud, duly noted and good point.
Although this board is not part of the BiaB software per-se, it is a part of the BiaB culture and is mentioned on page 6 of the paper.
"There is also a vibrant online forum available where all things music is discussed.”
I do hope "vibrant" is the best word
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
WHITE PAPER 8.Realistic Live Tracks: The software excels at creating realistic live tracks (stems) that follow your chords and are performed by live musicians. This feature, which predates AI, can save you time and assist in songwriting and practice. It includes RealTracks (RTs), RealDrums (RDs), and Super MIDI tracks (SMT
Should include UserTracks, loops, and more importantly, Artist Performance Files
Charlie, this is beyond my "pay grade".
Hopefully someone on the team can address this.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
I suggest the list of positive features should include this board which itself speaks to PG Music’s dedication to its customers. Bud
Bud, duly noted and good point.
Although this board is not part of the BiaB software per-se, it is a part of the BiaB culture and is mentioned on page 6 of the paper.
"There is also a vibrant online forum available where all things music is discussed.”
I do hope "vibrant" is the best word
Perhaps I sounded a bit defensive in my original comment but as a contributor to the BiaB beta test group for years I do have some insight into the dedication of the BiaB team. They are amazing folks. Cheers, Bud
Our albums and singles are on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Pandora and more. If interested search on Janice Merritt. Thanks! Our Videos are here on our website.
The main one is: What users must BiaB target in order for PG Music to continue to be a viable company?
I suspect that the primary BiaB user is an older user who is interested in reproducing tried-and-true musical styles.
While the price of BiaB is reasonable, it's not exactly inexpensive. A user who wants to create backing tracks will quickly discover the version they want is the one with all the RealTracks. That's likely to be someone with disposable income.
On the other hand, if someone is just looking for something to practice with, a more minimal version of BiaB is an excellent fit.
I'm not well acquainted with contemporary music, but it doesn't seem a niche that BiaB is well-suited to fill. My oldest son is the only one interested in creating his own music, and he shows zero interest in using BiaB. Then again, he's not really into computer-based music creation, preferring to record live instruments.
So I can't really say what sort of market opportunity BiaB might be missing out on by not catering to other groups. But certainly, there's a need to make sure that new users continue to come on board, or they will be faced with an ever-shrinking user base.
There's also a need to maintain the current user base. Certainly, there's a lot of cruft in BiaB. The Mac version seems to be continually behind the PC version. Too much change to the base product - even streamlining existing functions - could lose a portion of the current users, with little gain in new users.
As I see it, AI presents the largest opportunities and threats to BiaB. At the moment, most AI programs seem to be targeted at minimizing the amount of effort by the users, while giving the maximum result. I doubt this target audience would be interested in using BiaB.
On the other hand, these AI programs are capable of creating much more targeted results. For example, they could certainly be trained to output an instrumental track in a particular style that follows a given chord sequence. That's a direct threat to BiaB.
While the current quality of AI tracks is fairly low, I believe this is a function of how the stems are ripped from the source material. But I've heard RVC vocals replace vocals on a Beach Boys track, where the resulting vocals were higher quality than the original recording.
Certainly, AI can be trained to up-sample instruments.
Better funded companies are likely to have access to a massive library of music, and thus capable of creating high-quality custom stems for an end user matching virtually any style in their catalog.
I've suggested before that BiaB could train AI on its own tracks. In theory, this could allow more variety and flexibility to come from existing tracks. In theory, it could also be used as the basis of converting MIDI to audio performance. But while being able to shape the performance at the note level would be useful (for example, to render a specific motif), I'd prefer to maintain a looser level of control. For me, part of the fun of BiaB is treating RealTracks a collaborator. So being able to specify tags at the point of regeneration ("less busy", for example) is something that I'd like.
After all, if I wanted MIDI level control, there are already many excellent VSTi libraries that do exactly that.
But again, being able to supply an excellent product to their base is what BiaB is all about. What's the point of offering rap if very few rappers would use BiaB? That's doubly so when other AI programs will soon be able to offer similar services.
just some ideas from a previous life in strategic tech marketing. think ACED IT. i feel bb/rb will continue to be around and a success long term if....the products are...
A = accessible C = cheap and address the latest contemporary trends. E = exciting to use D = a disruptor in the market ... I = innovative T = tremendously easy to use.
to attract a younger crowd i feel its important to do the following.. ..get young creator influencers on board ..get exciting reviews in music tech mags that young creators read.. whether in digital or print form ..lots of vids showing how to create 'modern songs'. the problem is what is IN one minute might not be the next. ..get big name contemporary artists behind the product who get hits with the product.
fnally for people who create orchestral sounscapes maybe issue a version called orchestra in a box. ie covering the instruments one might find in a typical symphony orchestra.
just some ideas. bottom line keep the product EXCITING. because us humans love excitement.
i sincerely hope pg continues to be around for many many years because its an interesting ride for us users....and if pg does it right be a continuous stream of xmas presents. for us users.
om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Last edited by justanoldmuso; 05/29/2402:31 PM.
my songs....mixed for good earbuds...(fyi..my vocs on all songs..) https://soundcloud.com/alfsongs (90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
The main one is: What users must BiaB target in order for PG Music to continue to be a viable company?
You make some good points. In the paper we tried to touch on the kinds of users that BiaB must attract to remain viable. The existing advanced and novice BiaB users, Gen Z and Gen Alpha, and the folks captured in the 4 quadrants of the plot. In other words, cast the net far and wide. It didn't ocurr to us to create a dedicated section that speaks to this.
I'm not well acquainted with contemporary music, but it doesn't seem a niche that BiaB is well-suited to fill. My oldest son is the only one interested in creating his own music, and he shows zero interest in using BiaB. Then again, he's not really into computer-based music creation, preferring to record live instruments.
It sounds like your son is somewhere on the y-axis where the true "traditionalists" live. More power to him; I'm roughly 60% with him. If that "demographic" is large it might benefit PGM to figure out how to effectively target that group.
Thanks for the thoughtful feedback.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
You might find a place for this in your paper. BIAB Style List for May 2024. This is a listing in Excel format of the BIAB "STYLES". A total listing of 9751 may be a tad low, but I am sure, not by much.
You might be best all to go over to the Reaper forum and do this as Reaper will let the end user add functions and features with scripting, this way all the users interested in this can contribute and something will be done TODAY having control of things. What can we do to change Biab ? nothing, I can hack a few things but basically you can't do anything to fix or change it. UJAM did not wait for things to be fixed, they just made something that works.
I've suggested before that BiaB could train AI on its own tracks. In theory, this could allow more variety and flexibility to come from existing tracks. In theory, it could also be used as the basis of converting MIDI to audio performance. But while being able to shape the performance at the note level would be useful (for example, to render a specific motif), I'd prefer to maintain a looser level of control. For me, part of the fun of BiaB is treating RealTracks a collaborator. So being able to specify tags at the point of regeneration ("less busy", for example) is something that I'd like.
For example, Logic Pro 11 keyboard player (session musician) is pretty advanced right out of the gate. Far from perfect but delivering capabilities I would love to have for BIAB tracks and styles. Yes, Logic’s chord entry needs improvement, and more styles are needed. But the ability to adjust the performance of an individual performer is significant.
And AI seems to make MIDI just as good as real tracks.
biab2024(Mac) Latest Build Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1 Apple M2 pro 32GB Ram Logic Pro 11
You might find a place for this in your paper. BIAB Style List for May 2024. This is a listing in Excel format of the BIAB "STYLES". A total listing of 1750 may be a tad low, but I am sure, not by much.
Dan, can you elaborate on the figure of 1750? What does that relate to?
The spreadsheet lists up to row 9752. All BIAB Styles are approximately 11,140
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
You might find a place for this in your paper. BIAB Style List for May 2024. This is a listing in Excel format of the BIAB "STYLES". A total listing of 1750 may be a tad low, but I am sure, not by much.
Dan, can you elaborate on the figure of 1750? What does that relate to?
The spreadsheet lists up to row 9752. All BIAB Styles are approximately 11,140
Opps, typo combined with a small correction to pivot table. The pivot table now shows 9,751 individual style entries for all the Genres. That is how many I have after collecting for 25 years. I corrected the Excel file and re-uploaded.
just some ideas from a previous life in strategic tech marketing. think ACED IT. i feel bb/rb will continue to be around and a success long term if....the products are...
A = accessible C = cheap and address the latest contemporary trends. E = exciting to use D = a disruptor in the market ... I = innovative T = tremendously easy to use.
om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
om, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I never heard of ACED IT before. I think this very much applies here.
I'm thinking we should have had a section specifically dedicated to marketing; perhaps titled Marketing in the 21st Century to 21st Century Musicians or similar.
Any interest in writing 1 or 2 pages on the subject for when/if we update the paper?
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
let me say from a marketing perspective everyone complains these days about how inaccessible some companies are. ie layers of telephone menus and various other bugaboos. drives my wife and friends nuts.
to pg great credit pg doesnt have this problem. so im impressed with pg accessbility.
fyi recently i contacted a company whose gear i was interested in.. i often do this before putchase to see the quality of support. i just didnt hear from them for a long time...and even then they didnt answer my questions. so i didnt buy the product. cext la vie.
as i said A = accessible...etc T can also mean treat your customers as you would like to be treated...the old saying...do unto others etc etc.
om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
my songs....mixed for good earbuds...(fyi..my vocs on all songs..) https://soundcloud.com/alfsongs (90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
I realize that such positions typically demand a 6-figure salary, but we can't do anything close to $US 100,000.
However, we do have a generous benefits package. As Marketing Director you can work remotely from home, hire as many as you see fit to build your team and not work weekends. Plus we offer a self-directed, 0% company match 401K plan where you can buy whatever stock you want. And to top it off you'll have unlimited, unpaid, sick time and vacation!
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
let me say from a marketing perspective everyone complains these days about how inaccessible some companies are. ie layers of telephone menus and various other bugaboos. drives my wife and friends nuts.
to pg great credit pg doesnt have this problem. so im impressed with pg accessbility.
I agree. PGM does an outstanding job on accessibility.
FYI- Our land line phone went dead so my wife got on the Internet and contacted the phone company. Their site said "if you have a phone problem give us a call"! WTF! (for you ladies that is Why The Face)
om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
I went line dancing last night. Well it was a roadside sobriety test, same thing.
64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
Thanks, Bass Thumper! Here is a GTP summary of the recommendations.
Summary of Recommendations from White paper (not in in particular priority):
Utilize Machine Learning: Incorporate algorithms to simulate musicians following each other’s tracks. (i.e. Bass and Guitar track syncopate or match rhythmic phrases)
Enhance User Interface: Focus on improving the UI and workflow, using modern software design like panels to avoid modal dialogs. (zero modal windows)
Reduce Redundancy: Keep the best features and remove obsolete ones. (adopt philosophy of less is more)
Improve BiaB Plugin Support: Ensure full-featured capability for generating real musician tracks, with a redesigned core backend for efficient track generation.
AI Partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions and consulting firms to integrate AI capabilities into BiaB. (transcription, stem splitting, progressions)
Diverse Music Genres: Include all music genres by hiring appropriate programmers and recording artists.
Song Structure Understanding: Develop a system for the software to understand song structures like Intro, Verse, Bridge, etc., setting up for future voice activation. (knows when to build, break and when to repeat)
Simplify Menus: Reduce redundant menu items and remove outdated methods. (so that intuitive beginners can figure out without help manual)
Add Features: Introduce floating point tempo (planed), VST3 support (with route ins to outs) (partially planed), audio tools in tracks view (existing editing tools) and remove the 255-bar limitation (for songs in double time).
These recommendations aim to modernize BiaB and enhance its appeal to a wider range of users, from novices to professionals, ensuring its long-term success in the competitive music software market.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
If there is anything else needed for the BBPlugin post Here
Originally Posted by Adar - PG Music
Apart from rendering in the plugin, integrating the MultiPicker, and adding these few lines to the .di files, is there something else in particular that is broken or that you are waiting for? I understand that you want the plugin to process wav instructions so that it can audition tracks immediately (rendering to .wav would still take as long as bbw4). I'm working on this for the future but it is a big project that will take some time. However, would it be fair to say that apart from this one significant improvement, and the few lines to add to .di files (which I'm doing now), that this plugin is working exactly as it should? If not please let me know exactly what other issues you are having with the latest version of the plugin. Thank you for the feedback!
i would just like to mention a wrinkle in cleaning up legacy systems and i DO realise lots of pg users want various legacy and other issues fixed....
heres a case study...
once i was called into a very large organisation to manage the renovation and modernisation of a huge legacy system... the issues were... ...a zillion lines of source code ...lots of hard coded tables which couldnt be updated rapidly as users wanted. ...execs who didnt understand the rea!ities of making changes untill i sat them down with the coders and heard the execs then apologise. ...a massive internal user base of thousands ..a external customer base of more than a million people. and that was just the start...lol.
in summary a challenge even though the programming team was the best available on the market...brilliant in fact.
now lets look at how the above system came about. answer was basically a desire in the IT group to keep everyone happy always. but the problem is a systems group can never achieve nirvana. its just the nature of the system development beast. one major issue is often user groups cant agree....for various reasons. in the above case i often felt like a referee...lol. even with user sign offs still one user group might be happy but another might not.
you still see the same today viz 'everyone wants certain standards as long as its theirs'.
now re pg i suspect the legacy and other things the user base want addressed built up over time...ie pg didnt purposely decide to create problems. they were just trying to keep all the different user camps happy. eg maybe one group of users might want feature A but another group of users might want B. so things build up over time. the positives being bb has a plethora of features no other music app can match...the negative being sometimes it takes a time to locate bugs.
lets take modernising the gui for example. some user groups might want the same gui they have got used to. others want fancy shmancy modern groovy graphics. other users might want to customise the gui any way they want. i might like the gui one way but another user might think my way is junk and want another way the gui is presented.
thus its a real challenge for the coders. the major issue being how do the coders keep everyone happy without ballooning the amount of source code to be maintained.
in the case i first described we had to make very difficult decisions so the system didnt become unable to manage. this of course teed off some users as they didnt get their needs met.
frankly i feel for pg because keeping all the diverse user camps happy is one heck of a challenge. also a coder group is often limited by the platform and os they are developing for. ive got a few grey hairs to prove it...lol.
do i have bugaboos with bb ?...sure...but haveing been on the developer side of fence i look at what pg have achieved as rather remarkable...warts and all. given the many challenges. lets look at the glass as half full because where would we all be without the tools provided by pg. here is a small canadian company that has built a world wide diverse user base. with this come various challenges at both the technical and the user level.
i know some people get frustrated...but lets also look at the positives at the same time.
hopefully pg can reach a point of all users being happy...but its incredibly difficult for any tech company to do so.
happinesx to all...
om. 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Last edited by justanoldmuso; 05/30/2404:47 PM.
my songs....mixed for good earbuds...(fyi..my vocs on all songs..) https://soundcloud.com/alfsongs (90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
Bass Thumper, good effort and thank you for including humble bits of my contribution. This resonates very well with Poll thread in BIAB Windows forum section started by Rob.
Skipping "new" feature wishes & ideas aside, I think it is safe to assume that most of us, with very few(!) exceptions want: Bugs & underdeveloped features fixed, redundancy gone and significant workflow enhancements which includes UI (BIAB and PLUGIN)
It is my firm belief that those 3 items are essential / pre-requisites going forward. One cycle of fixing and deep cleanup would go a long way.
I believe that the two most significant responses so far are from J Pettit and the last one from Rustyspoon#. These are very concise and clear objectives. Let's just say for the record that PGM has always listened to the customer/user. they have consistently added valuable feature sets to the software to make users happy. The problem sometimes is US! we ask for things that may or may not be prudent considering all the things that have gone before. Sometimes what happens as mentioned above is features get added and never quite get done before the cycle repeats. This is why for the last few years many users ask for a halted new feature year. Completed or upgraded features can be considered "New" in a sense because they make the system better.
The workflow enhancements mentioned in Jeff post to me are super vital. BiaB is an incredible piece of software, it is not just wide but deep and rich with features and tools. However there are many things that are difficult to find, can be done multiple ways, some of which are less intuitive. Clean up and simplification in my opinion will not drive away older customers, it will instead enhance their experience. Especially if the improvements are detailed in nice tutorials. BiaB is the best single creation software available. It takes two three or more other titles to do what it does. I urge Peter and his incredible team to work to keep it ahead of the game. What this paper urges is to trust your customer base we are out there looking at the industry and tinkering with other things, hut our heart is here with you. I do believe this software has a long future and can be viable to younger users. To do that it need to do exactly what was detailed in the synopsis provided in the white paper and especially in J Pettit's short concise list. To me the following three things are vital and important.
1. fix all the longstanding and features and bugs that are constantly asked about. 2. clean up redundancy and workflow items making the program features easier to access. 3. continue to refine and update the plugin along the lines of how it was improved this year.
One really strong suggestion i would like to add is to go over to the reaper forum and watch the Kenny Gioia videos. They are very short and very informative. We get tutorials here but to me personally they are more slanted towards marketing a feature and less about really teaching how to use that feature in an everyday setting. Many features in BiaB remain hidden under a deep layer of confusing menus. Lack of clear instruction i personally believe has also hurt RealBand over the years. I firmly believe it is better than it gets credit for.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
One really strong suggestion i would like to add is to go over to the reaper forum...
+1 Back in 2015 why were more users not onboard then rather than knocking things ? there would have been big changes by now programming language upgrade delphi to c++ [CONFIRMED] I post so much stuff that seems to go over the top of most and it usually takes years for users to catch up and see the story, then the penny drops. I posted all the play direct Reaper stuff also will virtually no interest or support from other users, I keep posting all the stuff about 6 months Win 6 months Mac craziness. More users need to get onboard for there to be significant change, try these things out that I show, go deeper into things. I posted stuff on UJAM instruments using bb chord track years n years ago, but it only just catches up now. When I came to the forum I was not a musician I was a technician that fixed amps for muso's and they wanted me to create tracks for them, I had to learn how all this stuff worked, through total frustration I had to learn and come up with ways to solve issues, I don't create tracks anymore for artist as I gave up and been trying full time to make Biab better so it won't happen to others. You guys are just starting on trying to get big change, I'm worn out now from giving it all out for years n years and just feel like giving up
MC, what is your point in bring this into this discussion? Not arguing here just asking for clarity. We are having an open discussion regarding the current and future needs. There was a discussion behind the scenes for this paper when it was written but no one felt the need to discuss the language written in. It really does not matter. Delphi or C++ both are kept modern and that is really not the issue. The real issue is to encourage a halt in bolt on new features in favor of completion of existing ones and upgrading the workflow with removing redundant menu commands.
Please share some thoughts along those line we would like to hear everyone's thoughts on what was suggested.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
"VST3, Don't understand the delays" For VST3 to be implemented in Biab Delphi then Mac it has to be done by PG from scratch, whereas if it was JUCE C++ it would all be there ready to go, things are easier to implement. THINK BIGGER, NOT LIP STICK.
We are thinking big. The problem is what your thinking is never going to happen. They will NOT rewrite BiaB in C++. I understand your point but it does zero good to continue to push for things beyond the scope of what will happen. If this were not true then you my friend would not be exhausted from asking for 10 years.
My point is let’s discuss what can happen, not what can not. I hope this make sense to you.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
i often wonder if a very simplified thinned down bb version might be well received. for example for years in addition to rb/bb i used the reaps v2...which has a lower time to learn for a newbie than diving into the latest reaps version with lots more features. i dont know why i like reaps v2 so much...maybe its cos ive deve!oped lots of tricks. but sometimes KISS just works.
in conclusion maybe small...intermediate...and advanced versions of bb ?? but the negative is added work for coders... sometimrs unless highly modulised subroutine tricks are used.... for example once we built a lego bricks type app. worked quite well cos some users only wanted some modules. maybe others will disagree but lego approsch can work possibly.
just some ideas...
om 🇨🇦🇨🇦 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Last edited by justanoldmuso; 06/01/2402:16 PM.
my songs....mixed for good earbuds...(fyi..my vocs on all songs..) https://soundcloud.com/alfsongs (90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
You are not thinking big, you are way behind, you want to get out of the 90's thinking. Band aids and lip stick won't work. You have an old car, and you are trying to polish it up and put pin stripes on it. Have you not seen the writing on the wall with Logic ? Look how well UJAM works, dig deeper and study how it works. I had to do a lot of explaining in the other thread how it all works as users had the wrong notion, once you understand then you can see the potential of it all, and then the penny drops, and you are out of the box.
Go with the lip stick for old Biab but put more focus into a future, "out of the box thinking" it's called:
Originally Posted by Adar - PG Music
Apart from rendering in the plugin, integrating the MultiPicker, and adding these few lines to the .di files, is there something else in particular that is broken or that you are waiting for? I understand that you want the plugin to process wav instructions so that it can audition tracks immediately (rendering to .wav would still take as long as bbw4). I'm working on this for the future but it is a big project that will take some time. However, would it be fair to say that apart from this one significant improvement, and the few lines to add to .di files (which I'm doing now), that this plugin is working exactly as it should? If not please let me know exactly what other issues you are having with the latest version of the plugin. Thank you for the feedback!
If I can get any real time signature I like, any number of bars, any tempo map, instant easy nondestructive editing, as many tracks as I like, as many song tabs as I like, direct play of any audio format compressed/uncompressed/multichannel I like, a Win, Lin, Mac version at the same time with the same features, Live Arranging, and they have something called "VST3". What are you giving me with Biab that will turn me on ? Video: Reaper-Biab-BBVST-Vocal-Drum-Stems.mp4
It's a focus that products, particularly software products, so often lose in the pursuit of features and tick-boxes.
Focus first on a product that's easy and a pleasure to use and have a standard method to get to extended features. I've pretty much always taken the view that if something is technically logical to do, the product should do it, even if I can't at the start see a reason why anyone "would want to do that". Partly because, once the logic is established, it's quite often easier and partly because it's often turned out that there actually is a good reason why someone might want to do it.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
Look MC, i understand what you are saying but do you not see that it is insulting to continue to label folks as small thinkers to continue to alienate others by referring to them as living in the 90s this has not done you well in the past. We are thinking of the future, but of a future that is possible, If you can't see that maybe we are not the ones missing the point.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Look Robb, do you not see that it is insulting to PG to have this BiaB White Paper (May 2024) telling them their software has issues and it needs fixing. PG knows what is best and it does what is best for its customers. There is nothing else possible than what PG give, let it go ! you crazy dreaming up these things.
It's a focus that products, particularly software products, so often lose in the pursuit of features and tick-boxes.
Focus first on a product that's easy and a pleasure to use and have a standard method to get to extended features. I've pretty much always taken the view that if something is technically logical to do, the product should do it, even if I can't at the start see a reason why anyone "would want to do that". Partly because, once the logic is established, it's quite often easier and partly because it's often turned out that there actually is a good reason why someone might want to do it.
Gordon, very well said.
The other day we watched a short documentary on Steve Jobs and Japan. Apparantly he was influenced by certain simple and beautiful Japanese art. He was also influenced by the Sony corporation (led by Akio Morita), known for simple, elegant, logical designs (think Walkman). I'm not saying that BiaB is not logical (I'm too much of a novice user to make that claim) but as an engineer I definately value logic and technical elegance.
From my experience, the companies I worked for (and our suppliers and customers) did not embrace Apple products at all. Those products were considered to be for the "artsy-fartsy" folks, not for serious engineering work; right or wrong. And I never used or owned an Apple product mainly because I disagree with their closed business model. However, it is clear that Jobs was a genius and his products were innovative, elegant and cutting-edge. I think at one time Apple had a marketting slogan: Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication, or something like that.
And from personal experience I can tell you there is great wisdom in writing code that is logical; especially if others on a team will be editing and de-bugging it. I have certainly made my mistakes especially in my early FORTRAN punch-cards college days by not spending adequate front-end time to design the overall layout of my programs. Later on in my career, I learned from those early mistakes. The pro-programmers I worked with had a term for such poor quality; they called it "spaghetti code". Once, again, I am not linking this to BiaB in any way, but rather speaking generically.
I think this documentary is inspirational on technical and business levels.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
Look Robb, do you not see that it is insulting to PG to have this BiaB White Paper (May 2024) telling them their software has issues and it needs fixing. PG knows what is best and it does what is best for its customers. There is nothing else possible than what PG give, let it go ! you crazy dreaming up these things.
MC, I disagree. The White Paper is no more "insulting" than the Wishlist forum; and neither vehicle is insulting. Moreover, have you not read the 12 items in Section 3?
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
my early FORTRAN punch-cards college days by not spending adequate front-end time to design the overall layout of my programs. Later on in my career, I learned from those early mistakes. The pro-programmers I worked with had a term for such poor quality; they called it "spaghetti code". Once, again, I am not linking this to BiaB in any way, but rather speaking generically.
Fortran is a powerful language for many tasks, but it isn't the easiest language in which to write neatly structured code.
Keeping designs and code neat, elegant, consistent, readable and digestible takes a lot more planning than people often realise, but it usually pays back plenty. In a typical compiler white space and meaningful cost nothing in the final executable. Meaningful names cost when one first writes them but normally pay back when revisiting. Design the the user interface and data first.
I'll try to watch the video tomorrow.
Edit: For user interfaces I often used to make movie-type storyboards, sketched out by hand for people to consider, critique, draw and write over.
Last edited by Gordon Scott; 06/02/2402:13 PM.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
"Look Robb, do you not see that it is insulting to PG to have this BiaB White Paper (May 2024) telling them their software has issues and it needs fixing."
I am not Rob, but in my view the purpose of the "paper" was politely summarize what was mentioned earlier in several parts of the forum. Suggesting what was suggested before. Most of us do care about the future of BIAB and it seems the right thing to do - to have a civil and constructive discussion. While I disagree with some points made and some wording, I do believe this document has value as it mainly focuses on feasible changes that will probably make program more appealing to general (and advanced) users.
Don't you think it would be much easier to say: "Rewrite software from ground up and make us all happy"? Probably yes. My 3 cents, is that very likely in not very distant future AI assisted legacy code refactoring software would be able to do some heavy duty magic. Who knows. For now, it is pretty clear from Poll post in Windows section what users wish to see in 2025. Peter has acknowledged that thread and possibly it will impact some decisions for the next cycle.
P.S. What I think is impolite is bombarding many threads with Reaper "solutions". Musocity, have you ever thought that only >10% of BIAB users are on Reaper and most likely will never switch their DAW of choice? You come up with interesting and sometimes brilliant ideas for BIAB+Reaper, but most of us will not go that route. Perhaps suggest that PGM creates Reaper forum section for Reaper users and I will support you in that request.
MC, I disagree. The White Paper is no more "insulting" than the Wishlist forum; and neither vehicle is insulting. Moreover, have you not read the 12 items in Section 3?
It's not insulting ! nor should my comments to think bigger be insulting. I post Reaper videos/gif/pics to show how modern things should work, this should give ideas to users that can be applied to Biab.
Don't look at it as a competition between Reaper & Biab, learn from Reaper, try it ! AND GET SOME MORE UNDERSTANDING, to help PG, not to say get rid of Biab and get Reaper !!!!!! Honestly guys, get ya thinking cap on.
Users say things are impossible to do, I just do them and show with actual real working examples. I can't limit my own thinking and ideas to match an older way of thinking so as not to offend, this is basically what I'm being asked to do. Again and again and again, with LOGIC the writing is on the wall and it's in bold type. Do you not remember the fighting PG did against 64bit, they were totally happy with 32bit and JBridge.
It's too far behind as it is to be thinking that lip stick will fix it.
I post Reaper videos/gif/pics to show how modern things should work, this should give ideas to users that can be applied to Biab.
MC, I have to say that most of what you say is not making any sense to me. I fail to see the relevance of all your Reaper posts. FWIW, I use Studio One and am more than happy with it; it does everything I need and I've barely scratched its surface.
Make no mistake, I have zero interest in Reaper at this time, especially when I see none of your Reaper work on the Showcase. Put some quality work on the Showcase and maybe I'll have curiosity.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
"It's too far behind as it is to be thinking that lip stick will fix it."
While BIAB has quite a few shortcomings, 2024 update proved that we can get away from modal workflow, that regenerations can be MUCH faster and content (MTP) library finally is standardized. If most known bugs fixed + features completed, redundancy minimized, workflow and GUI tightened, it should make a significant impact. If that maintenance is the "lipstick", let it be. I don't mind a pretty BIAB.
P.S. Please don't go into Live Arranger as I explained earlier why it can't be easily achieved using existing RTs/RDs/SuperMidi/Loops/Midi tracks. You will end up at the fork where you will simply either: A) loose ability to regenerate new material or B) every time style will play differently (musically). It's doable, but Arranger styles will have to be (very) manually produced as separate format with the "best" parts chosen. And that "best" is very subjective.
I post Reaper videos/gif/pics to show how modern things should work, this should give ideas to users that can be applied to Biab.
MC, I have to say that most of what you say is not making any sense to me. I fail to see the relevance of all your Reaper posts. FWIW, I use Studio One and am more than happy with it; it does everything I need and I've barely scratched its surface.
Make no mistake, I have zero interest in Reaper at this time, especially when I see none of your Reaper work on the Showcase. Put some quality work on the Showcase and maybe I'll have curiosity.
This says everything as to why you need to think bigger with Biab, because there is zero understanding and zero interest in the Reaper posts Biab can't be helped and will remain in the 90's with lip stick. Can I play wma direct in Studio One, NO Can I import Biab frozen SGU track sections into Studio One, NO I have made lots of scripts for Studio One, don't you think if it was possible I would not do the same for Studio One as I did with Reaper, do you think I haven't tried ?
How do you expect to apply zero interest and zero understanding to make Biab better ? Get wisdom, get understanding then you can improve Biab. If I come from Logic or Reaper what are you going to give me in Biab that will really get me ? nostalgia ? childhood memories ?
Can you guys not see the whole story now as to why Biab has been stuck in the past ? You think from the get-go there has not been knocking of suggestions from the day I came here with users fighting like crazy with protectionism keeping it in the time warp past ?
..P.S. Please don't go into Live Arranger as I explained earlier why it can't be easily achieved using existing RTs/RDs/SuperMidi/Loops/Midi tracks. You will end up at the fork where you will simply either: A) loose ability to regenerate new material or B) every time style will play differently (musically). It's doable, but Arranger styles will have to be (very) manually produced as separate format with the "best" parts chosen. And that "best" is very subjective.
Try Reaper, get wisdom, get understanding then come back and talk to me, until then just use lipstick to draw me in.
Muso, you obviously didn't get what I was saying. Arrangers have pre-dictated sections. They are not randomized. Given current workflow/structure defaulting on particular segments of RT's to map to arranger section you will be brutally limiting / freezing that section for arranger part. What if it can be made better through partial Regen, whole Regen or manual manipulation? How will arranger be handling that??? To make anything useful of this concept, every style has to be VERY manually curated, and even then it might not be the "right" generation user is after. Or "B" you will have arranger parts generated/played differently every time. Who would want that?
P.S. I have Reaper, it is not my DAW of choice. As I mentioned, try requesting a separate Reaper forum section, I will support that idea. If granted, you will spread your Reaper wisdom without polluting other threads where people have no interest in it, focusing on folks who care to know what Reaper does and what it doesn't.
If you don't understand how Biab works, and you don't understand how Reaper works, how can you help Biab, is it not the blind leading the blind ? Can we go over to the apple forum and sell them on the ideas you have for Biab ? maybe they will decide to have a devolution in technology.
And you guys still can't see why Biab is stuck in the past ? Is it really a baffling mystery ? If it's nostaligiaware you want I can fully understand.
I don't care how Reaper works. I have no interest in Reaper. (as I mentioned earlier)
BIAB randomizes generations - bits of recorded takes unless frozen. Sometimes you get decent results per X bars, sometimes you have to assemble from different parts. What to not understand here? In your version of "arranger" you show opened audio files marked/mapped for individual arranger part. Who decided that those are the best choices for that specific arranger part? You - dear musocity! Grooves can change significantly musically if proper partial or whole generations are applied. Are you the ultimate decider on what would work best for arranger Part A, Part B, etc?
You have UJAM, you have NI Session Guitars these work as Live Arrangers, you have Ketron Live Arranger Keyboard. They have SOURCE files. There is no reason why Biab cannot do the same from SOURCE files. Did you even try the SFZ files I uploaded ? If you have no interest or understanding in Reaper then you can't help with Biab, and certainly not with Logic and iPad, again the writing is on the wall.
If you want business as usual, keeping Biab in the time warp past, then please by all means, keep doing what you are doing and don't look deeper into things, limit it all to the limit you know, don't go beyond whatever you do, heaven forbid if you wake up in the middle of the night with a revelation. If anymore users come here with ideas that are beyond your limit of understanding, get rid of them, that'll work, that is the best thing to keep it way behind. Don't seek and you will find, Don't knock and it will be opened.
musocity, apples vs oranges. Ujam groove patterns ARE mapped to specific key switches and they are "shorts". They were manually curated. Randomization is a very manual process in Ujam products. We are talking about complete multi instrumental segments here. People (at least most I know) who use physical arrangers for backing, have no interest in deep programming. They want to style to just play and be the best it can be. I am not saying this is not possible with BIAB content, I am saying it will be a very manual process of creating such styles with the best takes for specific parts. Not only these specialized styles have to be made, a very user friendly editor has to be in place, specifically designed to alter styles (grooves, instruments, volume, FX etc.) But the main thing, if one day it will be considered, it should have strong feedback from people who professionally use arranger keyboards. Keeping in check THEIR needs (not mine or yours).
I don't wake up in the middle of the night by "revelations" you are describing. I maintain that pre-requisite to any significant additions should start with addressing current issues, unfinished features, redundancy check and focus on workflow. From the Poll thread, it is clearly evident that most folks want exactly that. At least for now.
I don't know about most of what is being discussed here .... Nor do I care. I just want to be able to use BB to make the tracks I want and for them to sound like professional players doing it.
That's as complicated or as simple as I want it to be.
You can find my music at: www.herbhartley.com Add nothing that adds nothing to the music. You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
Herb, topic got derailed by "Reaper can do it better" and has little to nothing to do with original intentions. If you think that BIAB doesn't need any improvements, sure that is a valid view.
Edit: For user interfaces I often used to make movie-type storyboards, sketched out by hand for people to consider, critique, draw and write over.
We think in similar ways. I've used storyboards and flow diagrams on the conference room whiteboard to do exactly that; consider, critique, communicate, draw and write over.
I wonder how applicable a storyboard would be for smooth music-creation workflows using BiaB. I'm guessing more than one would be needed to address the different ways BiaB is used.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
I don't know about most of what is being discussed here .... Nor do I care. I just want to be able to use BB to make the tracks I want and for them to sound like professional players doing it.
That's as complicated or as simple as I want it to be.
+1. For Decades (truly) BIAB was without peer in its niche in the industry. Not anymore. It’s still a leader but others are out there, others now deliver capabilities that some of us think would be great to have in BIAB. For example, the ability to modify the performance of an individual AI musician as demonstrated by AAPL in the latest release of Logic Pro to me is a great thing. I want that. I would no longer need 237 Bossa Nova styles but only 1 or 2 (or even 5) and then I could tweak each player till my hearts content. I could modify the accompanying midi if I wanted even more control. Definitely a great thing to someone who uses BIAB 99% to produce backing tracks.
I continue to believe that the standalone Win/Mac version of BIAB has a limited future. I feel it should die a graceful death as its users graze out in the far pastures. The plugin is the future. Others much wiser than me (Native Instruments, ToonTrack, etc)have already demonstrated this in spades.
The mechanics of how they PG Music does it is, to me, none of our business. It’s only important that they do. PG Music wants serious $$$ every year for the product. They need to continue to demonstrate its worth that $$$. Even if they write it in Fortran.
Last edited by mrgeeze; 06/03/2405:19 AM.
biab2024(Mac) Latest Build Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1 Apple M2 pro 32GB Ram Logic Pro 11
There is a thing called RDS (Reaper Derangement Syndrome). Because I show Reaper working with Biab content 1000 times better than it can in Biab this is somehow sacrilegious. Rather than LEARNING from the examples it engenders RDS that blocks all rational thinking and hurts feelings. If I go over to the apple forum and suggest similar things it will not be rejected or seem out of place and sound weird. You are seeing an actual Live Feed of how Biab has actually been held back in the past in real-time. It's old guard loyalty at its best, with others too afraid to speak up as they might be cancelled.
mrgeeze, "I feel it should die a graceful death" I disagree about the "death" part. Not sure if you are familiar with small software called Chord Pulse. Last major update was many years ago, with only small maintenance fixes every couple of years. Developer clearly mentioned that there will not be significant further development (perhaps that will change). The point I am trying to make, it's solid as a rock and (mainly) bug free. It is still available for purchase and thousands of people enjoy using it for one reason or another. I hope, in the future something like this can be done with BIAB and muscle is put behind the plugin.
I have ChordPulse and suggested some features for it, but it just works as it should. The Plugin is up to 6 now and still don't work because of the old ways of working in the Delphi Biab. I can't see how Biab main app can last into the future 6 months Win 6 months Mac, no one seems to answer this. You can't cling onto something like this as hope for the future, surely. You should not have to be rendering to wav files to get it into your DAW with real time signatures that don't match Biab fake ones. If you are using it as a band in a box, where you press a button and you have a backing band and don't get out in the real world you may be happy with it.
mrgeeze, "I feel it should die a graceful death" I disagree about the "death" part. Not sure if you are familiar with small software called Chord Pulse. Last major update was many years ago, with only small maintenance fixes every couple of years. Developer clearly mentioned that there will not be significant further development (perhaps that will change). The point I am trying to make, it's solid as a rock and (mainly) bug free. It is still available for purchase and thousands of people enjoy using it for one reason or another. I hope, in the future something like this can be done with BIAB and muscle is put behind the plugin.
Rusty, Fair enough. Perhaps Not necessary to kill it. Put it out to pasture rather than take it to the slaughterhouse. Plenty of good products out there aging gracefully with no updates for years. So perhaps A reasonable effort toward a last stable release may be worth the effort. Perhaps. Spend every other $$ on the plug in. The plug in will, imo make or break the company in the future.
biab2024(Mac) Latest Build Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1 Apple M2 pro 32GB Ram Logic Pro 11
Personally I'd settle for a bit of AI in biab in future versions, I think the PG developers will move biab on at their own speed, regardless of how many so called white papers are written, or how much is written about it here.
If its makes users happy though to keep talking about it, even though for the greater part, its simply "armchair" or wasted talk, I suppose that is ok too.
Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2025, Cubase 14, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use
The Plugin is up to 6 now and still don't work ...
Hate to cherry pick a comment, and I only allow myself one or two really dark negative postings here in the forum a month, but I could not pass this one up. I just have to remind you all that the 6 stands for 6 ficken years of this! So if this is the future of BIAB, count me out.
I'd posted this in personal messages, but maybe I should put it here to show why I now struggle mentally with BIAB...
Originally Posted by Gordon Scott
I tried to contribute more than I did, but every time I tried to check an issue was still extant, I just couldn't do it. I struggle to do much work just fighting some of the bugs/quirks/inconsistencies. I've spent much of today trying again to check if the problem still exists in 2024, but it seems harder than ever to gety to the point where I actually can test it.
Import of MusicXML still puts the anacrusis notes at the beginning of the bar, not the end; the delta sign for Major chords is still ignored, it's dropping some first chords in bars and using the second chord instead; it doesn't handle the first and second ending from the MusicXML, if I ask it to not insert extra melody notes, the melody omits most of the second time through (OK, fair enough), if I ask it to insert the new melody notes, I get (I think) both the new melody notes and the section B notes simultaneously; it doesn't handle the D.S. al Coda, nor does it seem to accept a D.C al Coda as a substitute, but that may be my bad. It still doesn't allow the D.S. or D.C. in a single chorus song.
All that before I even get to the point where I can tell if changing from multiple choruses to a single chorus still trashes the melody.
I spend hours sometimes trying to isolate and accurately report issues and nothing changes
I think I can't do this any more.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
The Plugin is up to 6 now and still don't work ...
Hate to cherry pick a comment, and I only allow myself one or two really dark negative postings here in the forum a month, but I could not pass this one up. I just have to remind you all that the 6 stands for 6 ficken years of this! So if this is the future of BIAB, count me out.
And after 6 ficken years my energy and enthusiasm has dropped 60% while the Plugin has gone nowhere but other developers have advanced with great software/iPad and Plugins and RealTracks Live Arranger keyboards and modules, because they listened. But PG... "They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will"
Everyone seems to have a DAW that they like and use. ALL the Reaper examples are because I CAN open an SGU directly in Reaper I CAN'T DO THAT WITH ANY OTHER DAW ON THE PLANET EARTH ! The whole idea of the PLUGIN is get the generate code out of the old delphi into JUCE C++ while cleaning up all the old limitations that hold it back, into ANY WIN, LIN, MAC DAW, iPad or Android. This will give the same as I demo in that nasty horrible Reaper in your favorite DAW.
Wake up guys, other developers are writing it on the wall.
I spend hours sometimes trying to isolate and accurately report issues and nothing changes
I think I can't do this any more.
You and me both brother!
Nowadays I dunno which is more tiresome...yearly BIAB updates that never quite get finished or the incessant droning about Reaper and C++ and old guard and on and on and on. If I were PGM I'd have probably closed this forum, cleared the decks and required everyone interested to sign up again with new guidelines for conversations! I guess that's why I don't have a forum!
FWIW, I think the BIAB White Paper idea is a good one and the contributors have done something positive with it.
Forget Reaper Derangement Syndrome you will now have Logic Derangement Syndrome look out guys it's gonna getcha ! I'm gonna start posting lots of Logic.
Forget Reaper Derangement Syndrome you will now have Logic Derangement Syndrome look out guys it's gonna getcha ! I'm gonna start posting lots of Logic.
I like this concept! Additions like this to BiaB would be fantastic.
I went line dancing last night. Well it was a roadside sobriety test, same thing.
64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
A quick comparison of music tools that have chord tracks. I only show this to promote a normalization of terms and paradigms.
Although you may not have thought of it this way, but BIAB was the first tool to have a Chord track where musicians followed it. Now there's more competition in that space.
Session players Is a good name for a musician playing a particular instrument. I've always thought that BIAB should use that analogy more predominantly. It has recorded over 100 real musicians playing in thousands of instrument styles/phrases. It would help the company and new users to think of it that way as opposed to made-up terms such as real tracks, real drums or super midi tracks.
Logic pro is the first in the industry to have machine learning session players where in contrast BIAB has recorded live session players for two decades.
Rather than having a never-ending database of tens of thousands of styles to weed through, let the customers think more about the instruments that they want to use track by track to create their style.
BIAB styles are a good starting point for people looking for a traditional sound. However, I see the industry, thus customers, focusing more on Instruments and Session players for their next track.
This would cause a pivot in the Hierarchy with more emphasis on the Instrument and style of playing it (swing/shuffle / tempo / note duration, syncopation, pushes, emphases, in pocket/ahead of pocket) but could greatly improve the process of creating music if done clean and proper.
Food for thought...
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
The Logic Chord track In a Logic Pro project, you can access the Chord track in the global tracks. You can add chords to the Chord track and have all the Session Players in the project follow them, playing in sync with each other. You can add chord progressions to the Chord track, and create chord groups that you can copy or loop to reuse the same sequence of chords in different parts of the project.
Region chords Session Player regions can contain region chords. You can add and edit region chords, and you can choose a chord progression for a Session Player region.
When a Session Player region contains region chords, it follows those region chords rather than the chords on the Chord track. You can also have a Session Player region follow the Chord track instead of its region chords. You can copy and paste chords between regions, paste chords from the Chord track to a region, and paste region chords to the Chord track.
Everyone seems to have a DAW that they like and use. ALL the Reaper examples are because I CAN open an SGU directly in Reaper I CAN'T DO THAT WITH ANY OTHER DAW ON THE PLANET EARTH !
I suspect that this is actually not correct. Have you ever tried opening an SGU song in RealBand?
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
Logic pro is the first in the industry to have machine learning session players where in contrast BIAB has recorded live session players for two decades.
Rather than having a never-ending database of tens of thousands of styles to weed through, let the customers think more about the instruments that they want to use track by track to create their style.
Logic’s session players are pretty amazing. Would love to have some of those features in BIAB.
Too many BIAB styles. Overwhelming. The ability to significantly modify the players instead is a nice approach.
Logic’s session musicians sound like real players, NOT midi musicians. Arm them with high quality sound modules (ToonTrack, NI, etc) and you have something that sounds very much like BIAB real tracks. That is worth checking out.
If and when AAPL delivers a set of basic styles and a better chord entry interface it will have a serious contender to BIAB. Its not there yet,imo.
Last edited by mrgeeze; 06/04/2406:22 AM.
biab2024(Mac) Latest Build Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1 Apple M2 pro 32GB Ram Logic Pro 11
What I have been saying is that there are too many "different" instruments. Rather than listing something as a "Clean Electric Guitar" it should be "Fender Electric Guitar" "Telecaster Electric Guitar" they should all be recorded "DI" on the same instrument, same levels forget recording with FX this gives too many that won't match a change in pattern so, all these guitars below can be put on the same track as changes in style/pattern that will be seamless as they will all be using the same FX, even changing from rhythm to soloist Then some intelligence matching can be used to find the substyle/variation for that instrument.
MC, the reason some resist you is because not everyone uses or likes or needs Reaper, and showing how to do things in Reaper just frustrates those who do not care about reaper. Do whatever you feel like doing post what you want, but you have to admit at least to yourself when you post 20 straight posts on a new thread and NOONE responds it is a clue as to what others think. We don't dismiss your contribution. They are helpful at times. But at your own words you are exhausted from it. So, for your own sake take a break. You say BiaB is way behind the game, but most of us see that it is still light years ahead, and the others are just now starting to catch up. Some new ideas like Logic 11 is cool but it only does so much and will require growth of it's own. Some of your suggestions have played a part in the process, but you are not the ultimate authority on the subject. Every last one of us have played a part, and every last one of us use BiaB, our favorite DAW, pet Apps, useful Plugins in a different way for different reasons. PGM has to take into consideration their entire customer base, and not just those who want to do what you suggest. If i have never said it, thanks for caring about this so much during the years, but please relax and let life happen. PGM will do what they feel is best. Customers can use it as it develops for what they wish or not as needed.
Last edited by Rob Helms; 06/04/2410:20 AM.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Rather than having a never-ending database of tens of thousands of styles to weed through, let the customers think more about the instruments that they want to use track by track to create their style.
This would cause a pivot in the Hierarchy with more emphasis on the Instrument and style of playing it (swing/shuffle / tempo / note duration, syncopation, pushes, emphases, in pocket/ahead of pocket) but could greatly improve the process of creating music if done clean and proper.
This is an exercise in clean hierarchies with the data they already have. They improve this some in 2024 but skimped on categories/families/type/technique With more serious work on their hierarchies and filtering the correct session player with the correct instrument could be found in a matter of seconds.
Then organized by subcategory - Guitar - Acoustics - Electric
Then organized by subcategory type - Acoustic - Nylon - Steel Then organized by Technique: - Strumming - Fingerpick - Hammer - Mute - Rythm - Solo
Then Organize by Tempo, Feel, Note duration
EXAMPLE: CAT-----INSTR----TYPE------TECHNIQ----FEEL---DUR----TEMPO- Strings > Guitar > Acoustic > Strumming > Swing > 16th > 120 > Audition and select from a list of 10.
Cleaning up and improving filtering/drill down would greatly simplifying the process of getting the right Session player/instrument. As mentioned earlier "auto filling the hierarchy list: for a given "band style" would also dramatically improve the time to creating music.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
There is a thing called RDS (Reaper Derangement Syndrome).
I use Reaper as my DAW, and love it. So I suspect that I don't have RDS.
Because I show Reaper working with Biab content 1000 times better than it can in Biab this is somehow sacrilegious.
It works 1000 times better for you and your use cases. But perhaps there are other reasons that people don't want to use BiaB in Reaper.
Personally, I prefer to use tools for what they do best. So I'd rather put backing tracks together in BiaB, synth vocal tracks in SynthesizerV, and editing in Reaper.
My very limited experience with using embedded tools within DAWs hasn't changed my mind. I've found BiaB and SynthV as VSTis are just not as pleasant (or reliable) to work with as with the desktop versions.
Rather than LEARNING from the examples it engenders RDS that blocks all rational thinking and hurts feelings.
I hear your frustration.
But saying people who aren't jumping on your ideas are akin to triggered snowflake libs isn't going to engender them to your position.
There are other, simpler explanations to why people might not be jumping on your solution:
It's not officially supported, and they prefer to use tools that offer support.
It requires using Reaper, and they don't use Reaper.
They don't see working as Reaper as an improvement over working in BiaB.
They don't see the current situation as needing the solution you propose.
Different users have different needs, and none of these possibilities require assuming that anyone is "deranged", lacks "rational thought", or has "hurt feelings".
It's old guard loyalty at its best, with others too afraid to speak up as they might be cancelled.
And... a reference to cancel culture. Again, you're resorting to name calling.
I've been here a while. I'm not sure there are many people who are "too afraid to speak up", and I've not heard anyone complain about being "cancelled".
I suggest that real issue isn't anything you've named, but that you haven't tried to understand people who aren't you.
Sure, you've got a great solution that solves many of the problems that are important to you. But there's a cost to going to that solution, and there are rational reasons why someone might not want to adopt that solution.
To convince people to go to your solution, you'll need to do more than show that it's as good, or even better than their current solution. You'll need to show that it's significantly better in order to get people to adopt that.
And I don't think you've been able to convince people, mostly because you don't understand why they aren't adopting your solution.
Going back to the UJAM thread - I honestly don't know why you're so excited about the UJAM guitars. To my ear, they're only OK. The naming of the various styles means I won't have a clue what it'll sound like until I try it. And the UI is fine for what it does, but not especially better or worse than the one in NI Session Guitarist or many of the other VI guitars I've got.
It's not enough to build a better mousetrap when people are satisfied with "good enough".
You're going to make enemies of people who would be your allies if you continue to belittle and insult them, instead of understanding their reluctance, and bridging that gap.
There are other, simpler explanations to why people might not be jumping on your solution:
It's not officially supported, and they prefer to use tools that offer support. . . check
It requires using Reaper, and they don't use Reaper. . . . check
They don't see working as Reaper as an improvement over working in BiaB. . . check
They don't see the current situation as needing the solution you propose.
. . . check
Different users have different needs, and none of these possibilities require assuming that anyone is "deranged", lacks "rational thought", or has "hurt feelings".
And... a reference to cancel culture. Again, you're resorting to name calling.
I suggest that real issue isn't anything you've named, but that you haven't tried to understand people who aren't you.
Sure, you've got a great solution that solves many of the problems that are important to you. But there's a cost to going to that solution, and there are rational reasons why someone might not want to adopt that solution.
To convince people to go to your solution, you'll need to do more than show that it's as good, or even better than their current solution. You'll need to show that it's significantly better in order to get people to adopt that.
And I don't think you've been able to convince people, mostly because you don't understand why they aren't adopting your solution.
Going back to the UJAM thread - I honestly don't know why you're so excited about the UJAM guitars. To my ear, they're only OK. The naming of the various styles means I won't have a clue what it'll sound like until I try it. And the UI is fine for what it does, but not especially better or worse than the one in NI Session Guitarist or many of the other VI guitars I've got.
It's not enough to build a better mousetrap when people are satisfied with "good enough".
You're going to make enemies of people who would be your allies if you continue to belittle and insult them, instead of understanding their reluctance, and bridging that gap.
David, I could not have stated this any better . . . well done Sir!
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
jpettit, Nice breakdown. However I would prefer a simpler family hierarchy tree that ends in "Type" (CAT-----INSTR----TYPE: List) (Strings > Guitar > Acoustic: List )
and then use/apply separate filters that are not a part of the tree: feel, tempo(range), etc., but so that they "remember" (respect) prior selection. I believe it's called "nested" sorting.
"It requires using Reaper, and they don't use Reaper." "You're going to make enemies of people who would be your allies if you continue to belittle and insult them, instead of understanding their reluctance, and bridging that gap."
P.S. I started a thread in a wishlist about adding a Reaper thread for musocity. It was somewhat a long shot, but Peter Gannon replied that he is open to idea of DAW threads. I think this might be a multifaceted solution, as most people who use BIAB use DAWs. For one, musocity will find his audience, instead of forcing unrelated Reaper ideas in the threads where only a small percentage of people use Reaper. His ideas are sometimes very creative, but that will not make me switch a DAW of choice and likely other people feel similar.
It's in the past because it's been kept in the past, taking on the establishment, the old guard is no easy task ! yet I do it and keep at it. What the hell have you got here, in this pic, REAPER !!!! Why do you have non jail windows, multipickers, multitracks editing ? why can you edit the wav sections nondestructively. The truth can hurt and it can hurt bad. If you are happy with the past use an old version of it. I see users with my own eyes knock suggestion only to the suggest this feature to another user once implemented, GET OUT OF HERE ! It you can't contribute DON'T BLOCK OTHERS THAT CAN ! DON'T BLOCK THINGS JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND ! There is stupid me compiling Lua code voice synthesizer on Mac for users !!!!!!! and what do you get, a knife in the back. Users don't mind using you when they need something but then won't hesitate with the knife.
I love to see the day when you guys leave this world and instantaneously see what the story is, have instant understanding of all that's said because you are actually alive for the first time and not dead anymore.
jpettit, Nice breakdown. However I would prefer a simpler family hierarchy tree that ends in "Type" (CAT-----INSTR----TYPE: List) (Strings > Guitar > Acoustic: List )
and then use/apply separate filters that are not a part of the tree: feel, tempo(range), etc., but so that they "remember" (respect) prior selection. I believe it's called "nested" sorting.
Thanks, it's just thinking out loud right now as another primary way to slice the database, so people see BIAB has thousands of session players. That hierarchy was created by a chat GTP using PGM's actual first level instrument names.
PGM attempted to start to auto load the filters in 2024, but they only went about halfway, and their instrument hierarchy just use the old GM MIDI Hierarchy instead of the coding the true hierarchy lists something like what I have shown. At any rate It currently does not associate the instrument or genre of the current style. They should at least finish that code this year and put a lot more work into a true instrument hierarchy for 2025.
As well as, for people who know what a rhythm sounds like, a way to "play it in" to help find the correct phrasing and feel similar to what Toontracks has been doing for a few years.
Chat GTP suggest these terms for the hierarchy levels, but some may be too technical:
Category: This is the broadest level of classification. Family: This is a more specific level of classification within a category. Type: This term can be used to further classify within a family. Subtype: This term is used for an even more specific level of classification within a type. Class: This term is often used in scientific classifications, especially in biology, and is more specific than subtype. Order: This is another term used in scientific classifications and is more specific than class. Group: This is the most specific term and can be used at various levels of a hierarchy.
Then you need to further filter by Feel, BPM, Note duration and genre styles.
It's important to note that PGM has done a fairly decent job of consistently using a background hierarchy just in the naming of their Real tracks. This work just needs to be pulled out into active hierarchical lists.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
I would love the day when you realize the world does not revolve around you. When you realize that not everyone has to bend to your personal desires and ideas. Old guard! there is no old guard here! No one is guarding anything. That is a tired old title you give anyone who does not agree with you! Personally, i am sick of the constant attacks on those don't agree with your views. You come in here and highjack other people's threads. A group of people were discussing a collective effort to help make things better as they see it! If you don't agree fine, but don't just jump in and take over withthe same crap you have posted on 40 other threads. No one highjacks yours! No, we let you go on and on and on and on and on about the same things. You want respect around here earn it! Offer good ideas then respect others right to disagree. Show the rest of us who are trying to help here in our way, that you are a respectful and decent person. Stop with the Narcissistic view that everyone is wrong but you, and we are all lesser. You sir are just one voice and are running the risk of losing any credibility you still have.
I have noticed that less and less people even respond to your post anymore! Ask yourself why?!?! The answer is clear! You treat others poorly and show no respect! Maybe it is you that needs to wake up!
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Biab is stuck in the past, you don't have to be a genius to see that, it's a no brainer it says it all without me saying a word. The more it's enabled to stay in the past the more it will stay there. I could die here tomorrow and it won't change the truth, I could be long gone but the truth will remain.
We know the old saying, Don’t shoot the messenger. But sometimes it really is the messenger, not the message, that is the cause of a problem. The last thing I want is another sub forum - we have too many now, and it makes no sense to me to create one just for one DAW. And yet things might indeed be better here overall if there was just one more.
BIAB 2025 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 7 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6, Song Master Pro, Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus 192 & Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors.
Personally, i am sick of the constant attacks on those don't agree with your views. You come in here and highjack other people's threads. A group of people were discussing a collective effort to help make things better as they see it! If you don't agree fine, but don't just jump in and take over withthe same crap you have posted on 40 other threads. No one highjacks yours! No, we let you go on and on and on and on and on about the same things. Stop with the Narcissistic view that everyone is wrong but you, and we are all lesser.
+1 Rob, he is really degrading the quality of this wonderful forum.
Last edited by Bass Thumper; 06/05/2404:15 AM.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
We know the old saying, Don’t shoot the messenger. But sometimes it really is the messenger, not the message, that is the cause of a problem. The last thing I want is another sub forum - we have too many now, and it makes no sense to me to create one just for one DAW. And yet things might indeed be better here overall if there was just one more.
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
BT i agree, but one thing should be noted, MC is a strong contributor. I do think he has some great ideas. I just want him to understand that just because we all don't jump on his band wagon, we do not appreciate the solid idea.
What i personally do not like is the idea that because we see a different path to future we are standing in the way of progress. We all want progress, but we want it for what benefits everyone.
Most folks do not want to program to go in a different direction. Yes, there are some elements that are dated, but the bigger issue is the needed cleanup of redundant workflow, followed by some of the cool features added need a little TLC to make them more functional, lastly there are a list of bugs that need to be addressed. Once the program receives these "repairs" then we can talk about more modernization. I have seen that Peter wants progress, but progress can't stifle profitability. Good business must balance profits with progress. This is the reason you launched the White Paper project to encourage others to discuss these needed items. To have a productive discussion derailed by unproductive rhetoric is frustrating.
Invitation to MC. Look old friend, we all understand what you are saying here, we get it, Peter gets it, the PGM team gets it. Obviously if it is not happening as you think it should the reasonable thing to conclude is that it is not as easy as one might think. To conclude that no one is listening does not make sense. Everyone heard you. Maybe a deep modernization can happen at some point, but what is needed now is fixing many of the longtime issues and cleaning up the workflow. Jump in and help us, the white paper makes sense to many people, the issues are well documented. Peter sees these things too. Help us achieve these reasonable goals. Then maybe others will be more receptive to your more aggressive goals later on down the road. Your level of frustration is not good for you, and not good for your hopes and dreams here. I am just asking you to dial it back a bit and work with us as we go through this process.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
It's been one week since our White Paper was shared on this thread and because of a hijack, much of this time has been wasted with many of us frustrated. It's possible that collectively, hundreds of person-hours have been spent reading, thinking and responding to the hijack.
Can we all ignore the hijack and return to the original purpose of this thread?
Regarding the paper:
What did we get wrong? What did we get right? What could be improved? What did we omit?
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
While we all love biab and look forward to its bug fixtures and future development, its good to see the Big Picture sometimes.
Life doesn't start and end with biab, it really shouldn't be the biggest priority in someone's life (unless you are a PG developer) it shouldn't become such an obsession so that a posters waking moments (and maybe dreaming moments too) and to the extent that a persons thought processes are totally fixated on the software.
Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2025, Cubase 14, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use
Life doesn't start and end with biab, it really shouldn't be the biggest priority in someone's life (unless you are a PG developer) it shouldn't become such an obsession so that a posters waking moments (and maybe dreaming moments too) and to the extent that a persons thought processes are totally fixated on the software.
Sometimes... one's passion for something can lead to forgetting how the game is played:
15. Don't hijack someone else's thread topic with a different topic. For example, if the thread is about "Topic A," don't add a reply in the same thread about a different "Topic B." Instead, start your own thread for "Topic B."
It's been one week since our White Paper was shared on this thread and because of a hijack, much of this time has been wasted with many of us frustrated. It's possible that collectively, hundreds of person-hours have been spent reading, thinking and responding to the hijack.
Can we all ignore the hijack and return to the original purpose of this thread?
Regarding the paper:
What did we get wrong? What did we get right? What could be improved? What did we omit?
The White Paper did a good job of showing different user communities having potentially different purposes and requests for the tool.
It could have gone into more details about certain weaknesses such as workflow which is hundreds of small things small things about consistency.
It could have gone into more detail about why old and new ways to do the same thing is not good. BTW, having 5 different ways to get to the same code is a good thing. 5 different ways to get to 5 different versions of the same idea is a bad thing.
It could have gone into more detail about modern software using panels instead of modal dialogs. By the way BIAB already has several examples of using Docked Panels and just needs to replace all its modal dialogs with that approach. BTW floating dialogs are a generation before panels.
It could have gone into a little more detail about global and hierarchical aspects of the software such as the transport layer, the cursor, loop selections, and some very fundamental things found in any software that has to deal with editing things in a time frame.
Modern software uses vector-based graphics or at a minimum has 2 to 3 scales of graphics for people who are on large 4K screens versus laptop, so the graphics is always crisp.
It could have gone into more detail not just AI but about the pros and cons of a "Session Player" workflow concepts of which the competitors have 4 dynamic/smart ones and BIAB has 2900 live ones. It's two different approaches to trying to do the same thing.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
The White Paper did a good job of showing different user communities having potentially different purposes and requests for the tool.
It could have gone into more details about certain weaknesses such as workflow which is 100 small things about consistency.
Jeff (I think), Thanks for your good feedback, I've saved your comments for if/when we update it.
I know there are other smart people on this forum. Anyone else have thoughts on the paper? --Steve
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
I wonder if this has ever happened before in history, where one person has come and told the truth to bring about change, been ganged up on, attacked by the angry mob and got rid of ? Reaper, as the name says has just served a great purpose to bring about this exposure. How will history now judge this ? I would just like to see others put their life where their mouth is, being so sure of what they have been saying, being so sure of what they have done. I won't be here anymore, so God, let's see how this plays out in the long run, what's been done here. The end.
BTW Bass Thumper, this is NOT and off topic. It was posted in the wrong sub forum. Maybe the moderator can move it for you. It should be in the Wish List forum as it pertains to the future of BIAB.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
jpettit, Nice breakdown. However I would prefer a simpler family hierarchy tree that ends in "Type" (CAT-----INSTR----TYPE: List) (Strings > Guitar > Acoustic: List )
It's important to note that PGM has done a fairly decent job of consistently using a background hierarchy just in the naming of their Real tracks. This work just needs to be pulled out into active hierarchical lists.
I will split this off to a new thread entitle "Improving Search" that can be reference in the WP.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
Jeff, fun drawing (in a good way). It's a very big subject that needs feedback from a lot of people. My take is, both Hierarchy and String searches are important and useful in their own ways. I would prefer a toggle switch in MTP Library or even something of a hybrid.
What I am missing in BIAB is an improved search mechanism also from the "Rhythm/Groove" perspective. Todays filters with feel/tempo/genre for styles and RT/RDs does not get me cloose to what I hear in my head and what I am looking for.
What I am missing in BIAB is an improved search mechanism also from the "Rhythm/Groove" perspective. Todays filters with feel/tempo/genre for styles and RT/RDs does not get me cloose to what I hear in my head and what I am looking for.
Item#1 in Section 4 tries to address this very need but your description is better stated. I've captured your input for any update we do. Thanks for the feedback.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
I was not going to respond anymore to you sir MC. I have to say one thing. For you to see when someone disagrees with you as an attack is really wrong. It is a difference of opinion. to label and berate others for their views is an attack. This is why folks resist you. Not because of your ideas which are innovative and thought provoking. You have the ability to be a very powerful force for future thinking here and elsewhere. I have read many of your post here and over at the Reaper forum You are very talented. You just miss one key point. One that D Cuny tried to help you see. That point is that your plan/idea/concept, call it what you want is just that yours, and not the only path to the future. It is helpful but not the only option.
You are welcome to stay and help or go as you see fit. Every time you don't like what others have to say you threaten to leave. That has been happening now for over 10 years usually you do go for a couple months. the return with a different name. That again is your prerogative. No one here is asking you to go. All we ask it that you offer the rest of us who are also trying in our own way to assist PGM in the future ideas for the BiaB product the same dignity and respect you want from us. We don't label you in public, we don't highjack your threads and change the subject to our agenda, we treat you fairly even if we disagree with one of your views. However, when you start your attacks and labeling, highjacking we point this out and ask you not to, when you then start trying to belittle us about it, we fight back. You take that as an attack. Sir you threw the first punch. We just react. If that is wrong, then at least from me i apologize. I ask one thing, and one thing only! Be respectful to all here, as you want respect back. If that does not make sense to you then i don't know what will. I am done with the conversation.
TSo the rest on this important thread and to PGM i apologize as well i will keep my thought here to the subject at hand.
Last edited by Rob Helms; 06/06/2410:03 AM.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2025, Cubase 14, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use
Weaknesses 6 and 7 appear to be directly linked regarding subject matter.
I've interpreted Weakness 7 as an example of a solution to Weakness 6 and doesn't stand on its own as an actual program weakness. Further clarification is needed from the authors of the White Paper as to why Weakness 7 is an actual weakness of the program.
<< 8. New (2024) way of using Bar Settings (Mutes, Back to Normal) for Utility tracks.
Unlike "Legacy" tracks, where you have visuals on a single page which tracks are muted or unmuted, utility track requires clicking on the separate drop down menu and selecting the track in question manually, just to see what was done to it. Many (!)useless clicks.
Expected: Everything visualized and editable on a single page. >>
While this weakness is true for 2024, an improvement of the White Paper would be acknowledgement the BIAB program has for years offered an updated and alternative considered better than the Bar Settings Mute/Back to Normal method.
Weakness 8 can be made better by a simple slide bar to the right of the tracks. the Legacy and Utility tracks all listed in a row that extend down below in a "window" inside the Non Modal window. When you slide the bar down it reveals the lower tracks. This eliminates the drop down click just slide to the track in question and back if needed.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
< 5. The Needs of the Advanced BiaB User The needs of the advanced user are numerous. Pro Musicians, songwriters and composers alike demand intuitive interfaces, seamless workflows, high-quality results and of course a bug-free experience. Any software product falling short in these areas risks losing these users, as time is often equivalent to money for them.
The advanced user also requires that complex, compound time signatures be readily and seamlessly available to support their workflow. Some examples are 5/4, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, and 12/8. These time signatures need to be native i.e. no workarounds needed. >
This point isn't compelling because it's not supported with documented sources and references. It seems more of an opinion by the authors than researched and validated fact. At the least, if outside documentation and sources aren't considered necessary, the authors that are professional musicians, songwriters and composers, should be listed with their credentials.
WHITE PAPER 8.Realistic Live Tracks: The software excels at creating realistic live tracks (stems) that follow your chords and are performed by live musicians. This feature, which predates AI, can save you time and assist in songwriting and practice. It includes RealTracks (RTs), RealDrums (RDs), and Super MIDI tracks (SMT
Should include UserTracks, loops, and more importantly, Artist Performance Files
Charlie, this is beyond my "pay grade".
Hopefully someone on the team can address this.
No response is necessary as the point was simply to list all of the formats that BIAB can accept in the Mixer to create songs with.
< 5. The Needs of the Advanced BiaB User The needs of the advanced user are numerous. Pro Musicians, songwriters and composers alike demand intuitive interfaces, seamless workflows, high-quality results and of course a bug-free experience. Any software product falling short in these areas risks losing these users, as time is often equivalent to money for them.
The advanced user also requires that complex, compound time signatures be readily and seamlessly available to support their workflow. Some examples are 5/4, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, and 12/8. These time signatures need to be native i.e. no workarounds needed. >
This point isn't compelling because it's not supported with documented sources and references. It seems more of an opinion by the authors than researched and validated fact. At the least, if outside documentation and sources aren't considered necessary, the authors that are professional musicians, songwriters and composers, should be listed with their credentials.
Good point Charlie, I'm not sure if such a paper could be written without some degree of opinion. I'm thinking the disclaimer should have read:
Disclaimer: The authors are not, and cannot speak on behalf of PG Music Inc. or any other company in any capacity. We are simply a group of short-time and long-time users of the program offering opinion, observation and analysis.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
Disclaimer: The authors are not speaking on behalf of PG Music. We are just PG Music customers offering opinion, observation and analysis.
Studio One (latest version), Win 11 23H2 , i9 -10940X 3.3 GHz, 32GB Mem, a 4K 40" monitor, PreSonus Studio Live III Console as interface/controller. secondarily test on Reaper, Cakewalk, and S1 on Surface Pro 3 Win 10 (latest versions).
My posts aren't intended to put any author or the White Paper itself on the defensive. My understanding is the white Paper's intended audience is the staff, developers and coders of PG Music. I understand the White Paper is from a group of customers offering opinion, observation, and analysis.
I believe the purpose of the authors posting the White Paper in this forum is to illicit opinion, observation, and analysis from other forum members.
My suggestions for improvements, corrections and analysis are from my reading and understanding of the White Paper in its existing present form. It appears from the initial post in this forum, the White Paper is expected to be further edited and improved based on general forum members input and suggestions.
I have no issue with the authors editing the disclaimer if they feel it necessary and that would be in agreement with my suggestions that some points in the White Paper need minor editing to clearly separate what's opinion and what's analysis.
Charlie, you completly get it and thanks for your thoughtful feedback, keep it coming
You are very well spoken, by chance are you coming from a career in academia or perhaps a background in technical writing?
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
No. I didn't have a career in academia or technical writing. I was primarily a large loss claims specialist for many decades and also a state constable for three years and Volunteer fireman and chief of the Rescue squad for nineteen years.
In all three endeavors, I learned to think that everything I write and everything others wrote that I was involved with - to assume one day it would be read out loud to 12 people in a jury, only to then be interpreted with opposing points of view by attorneys.
No. I didn't have a career in academia or technical writing. I was primarily a large loss claims specialist for many decades and also a state constable for three years and Volunteer fireman and chief of the Rescue squad for nineteen years.
A State Constable?? Yikes, I better be careful what I say or I'll be in handcuffs and hauled off in a paddywagon
Kidding aside, maybe we should have had you on our white paper team. I think you would have had something valuable to contribute.
I have found in any organization, be it religious, recreational, academic, civic, government, commercial or volunteer; 5% of the people produce 95% of the work. Most are happy to sit, watch, spectate or bystand.
https://soundcloud.com/user-646279677 BiaB 2025 Windows For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.
(Dec 2024) Now I had a long rest from PG after my last post in this thread and have only just come back now as the things I stated were too far ahead to be understood. Now, have all the things mentioned here in this white paper now been implemented in the 2025 version ? The only thing that brought me back here to PG was the Plugin/Plugin Standalone now having direct playback from disk and instant generation along with small Audiophile drive with FLAC. These things will now allow the Plugin/Plugin Standalone to become the future, being crossplatform without 6 month Win, 6 months Mac development phase. Now as the generate code is moved into the Plugin it will truly become crossplatform when implemented, released at the same time for Win & Mac users only needing to purchase one product that can be installed on both Win & or Mac. The Win users have the 2025 version now, but how about the Mac users, what are they doing for the next 6 months ? Users should focus on both Biab and Plugin and not just one, I have come up with so many things that have been implemented in Biab and still do, BUT also come up with ideas to make the Plugin better. I have been at this for so long and can't be expected to limit my understanding to the first few years I had in 2009 to fit in best with other's understanding so as not not rock the boat and come back into the past. It's like the Midi Chord Track I posted info years and years ago with demos for Ni, Toontrack, Ample, Musiclabs, VirtualGuitarist etc on how to use this but it's only just recently now being used. I even showed a video with RC years n years ago Watch Video
The Win users have the 2025 version now, but how about the Mac users, what are they doing for the next 6 months ?
It's always been that way I believe. Win users get a new version every 12 months. Mac users get a new version every 12 months. (And Mac users get less bugs, because Win users have already ironed many of those out. ) Overall, it's a fairly level playing field.
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
Check out the forum post for some optional Tips & Tricks!
Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!
Breaking News!
We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!
A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"
With the launch of Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also share them here once they are published so you can easily find all the Band-in-a-Box® 2025 and new Add-on videos in one place!
Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday, and 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST Saturday. We are closed Sunday. You can also send us your questions via email.
One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday; 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8) Saturday; Closed Sunday.