Hi, Floyd !:)

Thank you for your kind comments,
very much appreciated !:)
Rhymin´in another language than
your own is not always easy, but
in this case it just came out
of the blue !:) I have been listening
to your tunes and reading your
lyrics and I can tell you I could
never reach that level of professionalism !:)
Not in my own language either !:)
Thank you Floyd, I am a fan of yours as
of many others on this site !:)


Oklahoma cowboy translation (Swedish to Okie)

Howdy, Floyd,

A great big gracias for nice stuff and that. Makin' stuff rhyme in a dadblamed ferin' lingo or my own is like tryin'ta pack sand in a dadgummed Prairie Dawg hole wifa limp Rattlesnake. Then tuther
tymes it's sorta lak Owl dung outta yer basic clear blue skah.

Ah bin asquinti'n mah good eah at yall's pickin' and a'cipherin yer lingo and I'm afeerd I'm doomed t'remain a tenderfoot. Not in me own lingo nuther.

Much grass Amigo Floyd. A fan of yorn and otherns.

Drink up!
Daniel Boone