On 6/17/2013 ROG replied to my post of a Bach Cantata: "Today Bach, tomorrow Wagner?" That gave me the idea and so on 7/3/2013 I purchased the lead sheet for Lohengrin by Richard Wagner.
I chose Act 1 Scene 3. Then I had a wonderful time to get the vocals to Vocaloid, one voice a day. I had some difficulties in getting the ü and ö sounds (try to reproduce the letters on your keyboard and you know what I mean). But it has come out quite nice. Wagner will forgive me that I had to change the chords for the first 16 bars to give them a more interesting feel. (You can listen to the original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM7ST1KNHA8 )
I'm sorry the work is finished now (I ended up with 27 tracks), because it was a lot of fun.
I hope you enjoy listening.


Here are the RTs:
742_Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw
727_Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A_walk B_DbIn2)
1227_Vibes, Soloist JazzBalladSteve Sw 060 (Bluesy)
1364_Fiddle, Soloist GypsyJazzBallad Sw
