This has been a fun one so far... a little more background...
The original recording was done at Veritable Recoding in Ardmore, PA. A very nice room. All wood as I recall. The band was a local group named "Wood & Wire". Nice guys (for the little bit of time I spent with them). A little while ago, I saw mention of someone (an artist or songwriter - I don't recall) whose bio mentioned they were in a Philadelphia band called "Wood & Wire" about that time - but I can't for the life of me remember who it was...

We did 4 songs. I had envisioned this having a feel similar to Springsteen's "Spirit In The Night". After a practice run through, the piano player and I were discussing some chord change ideas for the chorus. The bass player and guitar player were fooling around with a pop-reggae beat - a la Police. By the time we got back to them, the drummer had joined in. So for kicks we tried it that way. The piano player said "Ooohh! Wait!, walked to the back of the room and throw a tarp off a B3. Voila! And away we went....