
Good write! Mighty thought-provoking for a hard rocker!

"i can’t lie I can’t lie I can’t lie to myself anymore"

I really like how you came into your hook from one angle and finished it with another... Interesting from start to finish.

Love the production. I am not sure we have heard this type of a rocker done before. And, SO well done it is! It is always good to see (hear) someone take BIAB to a new place, a new level... to show one more thing that it can do in the right hands... You captured that sound perfectly.

Your vocal is strong. I would have liked to hear more reverb (a "dark" one?) on it (a personal choice, of course). The piano sort of "peeked out" a couple of times - would have liked to hear more of that, too (just me, you know - I like a strong piano...)

Super enjoyable. Listened a bunch of times - that guitar combination is still pounding in my head.

Great to have you back.
