Originally Posted By: gibson
The Latin beat sets the mood straight away portraying a life about which I know nothing.In the late 70's I hung around in the "celebrity" side of London in the same districts as some gangsters, never saw them but the stories...wow! No longer playing live at that time, sadly, I restarted in the 80's.

The lyrics paint pictures and turn that photo into colour, so I won't pick an example as I'd have to praise each line!

Them drums are excellent, must investigate them myself

Wonderful, Floyd, absolutely wonderful. There must be great memories to produce this masterpiece.

A great listen on this miserable day in Wales, cold 'n damp.

Needs a few more listens!!



Thanks, Alyn. You can get really lost in walking through all the drums choices... I don't think people realize how much variety is really there. It's pretty incredible...and you don't have to program them yourself! Click, Click Click and done... I'd like to hear ALL of your stories one day...

Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
This one really fits you. Fits you so very well...

It all comes together like Grandma's banana pudding!

About the picture: It is good that you notated back turned at the bottom of the stairs. You share the same hairstyle as the lady at the top of the stairs with her back turned... holding a pocketbook....

A peculiarity to your subject is a town in S/E NC named Tabor City. It shares many of the same characteristics with Ybor except the entire city has the reputation. It is fondly nicknamed in these parts as "Razor City."

It does not have a tourist section like Ybor but it presents a large fall festival each year called the Yam Festival that is internationally acclaimed. It is not as bad these days of its reputation as it once was but if you get crossed up there, it's still as bad once as it ever was. smile

It is also the birthplace of country legend Stonwall Jackson.

I hope Grandma's pudding was good...