My personal opinion, please note: The system used for filing and trying out usertracks, especially those without proper demos, is somehow too time consuming. Most available downloads are quite simply done or not too well recorded, though some exceptions i found after long searches are quite well done and good. Still most are not very useful as said IMO.

But what i found most annoying is that after reading through what's been posted, too many links for download end up with a ERROR 404, or worse after being forced to login or register with an ad-ridden PUP producing external site like dropbox you'll end up with a "page removed", "missing link" downer. With all the server power and cloud storage these days, can't someone (PGmusic?) think of a better system ?

Also: a classification system like "TYPE" (most are guitars or basses), "TESTED and OK", "GOOD", "AVERAGE", "dead - active link", and the ones separately you must pay for (f.i. ICELANDER), can somehow be quite a time saver. Since usertracks came out i must confess i downloaded just a few and never used them. F