Originally Posted By: Al-David
ROG & Neil,

Yes, much heavier than you usually do. Those drums are stellar! Great licks by you and Neil. Going the Steven Wright direction!

This is nice change from what you typically do. Seeing your other side!.

It's obvious the two of you put a lot of time and effort into this. And thanks for the detailed explanation. the extra reverb is perfect for this one. The prosody between lyric and music is a perfect fit.

Great job! You and Neil rock! No chance of an afternoon nap after that! And yeah ... I turned the volume up.

Best to both of you and kudos for a great piece of music.


Hi Alan. Thanks for kicking off the reviews on such a positive note.
Glad you liked the drums. The RDs are great, but they really come into their own when you start to mess around with them. The downward pitch shift, lots of compression and a bright reverb gave us just the sound we wanted.
Hey, sorry if we spoiled your afternoon snooze!

Cheers, ROG & Neil.