This video gives a good overview of Video RealTracks, if you haven't watched it yet.

will the RealTracks used in the Video RealTracks be included with the regular RealTracks

Yes, to be clear there are no RealTracks that are ONLY video. Video RealTracks are extra video files that accompany existing RealTracks, and they aren't required for those RealTracks to work fully by themselves with no video.

will you be adding them to all existing RealTracks?

- No this is unlikely.

are ALL keys included in the videos?

- Yes

will they always cost extra? frankly I did not see the value so I did not order the additional pak of them.

- Currently one VRT set is included in the Free bonus PAK, one set in the 49PAK, and the others are an additional purchase.

are all chords and chord variations that come in the RealTracks

- Yes the videos show the entire RealTrack.

PG Music Inc.