I am a complete newbie in that aspect (and many others), so please be patient. Yes, I am clueless, so I am asking for guidance.

I've finally begun to write some music and I intend to record a few tracks a bit later this year. I've got a lot going on and done many experiments, and concluded that my biggest hurdle will be guitars. I can do everything else with plugins. Feel free to disagree, but I am happy with all the results except for guitars. They sound really bad with plugins. Some plugins are supposed to sound good, but they're hard to learn, even more so because I can't play a guitar at all. I won't have time to learn that. I am going to need a real, human guitar player.

I don't know any and they're hard to come by where I live. I will have to find one online who will listen to base tracks and record their part on their own and send it to me for mixing.

Now, question #1:
How/where do I find them?

It's a twofold question: where do I find guitar players that will be available for something like this (I understand I will have to pay), and how do I find players whose style is a match to what I have in mind?

and question #2:
What if I don't like the result?

I can write the part, using crappy guitar plugins or even another instrument and tell the guitarist to use it as a guide.

Or maybe I should let them have more freedom to create their part as they see fit. I would definitely be willing to try that experiment, I am sure that many will not just play well but also write better parts than myself.

But what if I don't like it? How do I handle that? I certainly don't want to offend anyone. I don't know if recording the part somehow and telling them to play the same on a guitar is even acceptable. I don't know anything about how that is supposed to work.

Ideas, please? TIA