I was not sure what a shaker was so I had to google search it and found it at this page.. I used a cowbell for a while but it gets boring. I tried to isolate it to the right channel so only the drummer could hear it but that did not work so well. So I decided to replace my rhythm guitar with the BIAB guitar which sounds almost exactly the way I play. I also decided to balance everything across left and right channels evenly so everyone can hear it. Using the BIAB guitar allows me to set mix levels so I just do solos and sometimes melody. They just have to realize that the BIAB guitar has perfect time.

So far I have not had a drummer come out to try it so the BIAB drums keeps us in perfect time. Most jams have the addition of BIAB piano. Occasionally I put in BIAB bass. We have had 8 jams and it is working very well. We have had three drummers in our jam group. One has no problem with playing along with BIAB. One absolutely refuses and left. The other is slowly getting use to the idea after hearing just how good the BIAB tracks sound.

Last edited by bowlesj; 03/27/18 06:55 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: