After 9 O'clock

After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.
After 9 o’clock, cain’t wake us up ain’t no doubt
No need to be suspicious, if my snoring’s repetitious.
Turn the TV down and the lights plumb out.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.

After 9 o’clock, don’t dare shake us just to see.
After 9 o’clock, don’t wanna stop a sawing zees.
Leave by the closest exit, red arrows will directs ya.
reach my age you’ll know what it’s all about.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.

After 9 o’clock, gonna pass gas in my sleep.
After 9 o’clock, don’t wanna die then just leave.
No need to pass judgements, not even little nudge hints.
I’ll fan the covers just to hear you shout.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.

After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.
After 9 o’clock, ain’t gonna hear if you don’t shout
After 4 we will be eating, watching news in early evening.
And then complain what the hell it’s all about.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.
After 9 o’clock, we gonna be done passed out.