Callie, Glad to see Andrew fixed part of the notation windows issues. When can we expect a fix for these scrolling notations issues?

2- Bars dividing line – on playback this dotted vertical line appears properly at the middle of the window between bars 2 & 3, but subsequently migrates to slightly past the second bar causing the scrolling to not properly display 1st few notes of the 3rd bar. In addition part of the 5th bar now appears at the right side of the window to further confuse the user.

3-Timing cursor
A) – Does not move smoothly across the bars. It starts OK but hesitates/jumps when it gets to the end of current bar & then suddenly jumps back into time when it crosses into the next bar.

B) – When it gets to the end of the 2nd bar the timing cursor disappears & is not shown in bar 3 & 4, subsequently when bars 5 & 6 scroll onto the left side of the window it reappears again. Then it disappears after 2 bars & repeats the cycle to the end of the song

I use 4 bars per line & scroll ahead enabled at 50% trigger & scroll ahead amount set at 50%
