After I was getting a lot of aborts I started saving my work. So I got an abort that made me decided to go back to my saved work. The saved work still aborted in that spot so it was a waste of time saving the work. So it would be a great idea to have a time stamp save of work (date/time stamp that is). Actually a better idea would be to have it rotate. Here is what I mean. The song name would be at the front of the file and there would be a max number and it would save until that number was reached and after that it would loop back to the beginning. Users would find the most recent by sorting by date/time of the last update. It should auto start sorting that way so the latest one is at the top. Lastly the user should be able to adjust the max number. For my website they have this feature and I have the max number set to 100. I would probably select 10 for RealBand since the file is very large and I do not use it as much.

The markers probably should have a jump to in the list of markers. When jumped to it should be centered in the tracks window.

FWIW when you save a file in RB it does make a backup of the previous version. You can find the location in Options-Prefs.

These backups are time stamped, and can be great for tracking down issues. For exmample;
Maybe you added a new plugin that isn't playing nice with RB now.
You open the previous saved file and it may contain the same plugin.

Open a backup from 2 weks ago and it may not .. this can help find problems as well as get you back to a last known working copy.

Use File-Open Special - Open Backup (may be different in previous versions).
Look for the BKS files (backups) that RB created in the folder specified in the Prefs section mentioned above.
These backups can be well worth investigating.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome