Hi Bob, thanks for your thoughts.

I use the notation window for live performances (play along) as I can read music fairly well. The problems happen in the notation window set up as follows:

I use 4 bars per line & scroll ahead enabled at 50% trigger & scroll ahead amount set at 50%.

Timing cursor
A) – Does not move smoothly across the bars. It starts OK but hesitates/jumps when it gets to the end of current bar & then suddenly jumps back into time when it crosses into the next bar.

B) – When it gets to the end of the 2nd bar the timing cursor disappears & is not shown in bar 3 & 4, subsequently when bars 5 & 6 scroll onto the left side of the window it reappears again. Then it disappears after 2 bars & repeats the cycle to the end of the song.

Jeff is aware of this problem & promised a fix in build 4 2019.
