
Please think long and hard before you purchase the Merish

The unit you wish to purchase now may address your needs of today.
Over time your needs will change. You will gain skill in your craft and want new capabilities.
You will look to your manufacture to add these new features that others will have.
You may be disappointed. Merish is only 1 company, with limited resources.
Your 1000 euro beauty could well may become a boat anchor.
Trust me, I have many such boat anchors I have collected over the years.

Information on the Merish is not superabundant,via internet search.
This may be an indication of the future of the device.
To me that is a real alarm going off.

I would be hesitant to purchase such a proprietary device without extensively testing the capabilities of software solutions in the IOS/Android/MacOS/Windows OS environments.

These environments are rich with software solutions from hundreds, perhaps thousands of individuals and companies working on delivering this kind of functionality on general purpose computing devices (phones,tablets,Personal computers, watches?) at a fraction of the price.
Computing devices you already own.

I am just a guy on the internet.

But I do want you to be happy.

Logic Pro X