Ultimately it would make so so much sense if there was a seamless connection between BIAB and Cubase - one where any change in a BIAB progression or style didnt require many extra steps involving dragging and dropping.

I got it to work with Reaper and Studio One using scripts but as yet haven't found a way with Cubase.

On a final note - if one is just regenerating a song in the plugin - and then hits the PLAY button in the plugin - where does the sound get output to? over the stereo input on the track in Cubase hosting the plugin - or out via the main Mac speaker/phone outputs>

It should come through the track the plugin is on, originally it was played through the system audio on the Win version. The midi will also send to a different virtual instrument on a different channel.
You can also have more tracks with more Biab Plugins on with the same SGU loaded to give you a lot more tracks to choose from.

And when just needing to audition or try out a regenerated stereo BIAB arrangement - can one press play in Cubase and have the BIAB plugin put out the master stereo audio feed straight into the plugin output and in sync time wise with whatever is in cubase already?

At the moment you need to Cmd click the Master or each track name to be played back with the Play button, to play back selected tracks in sync to the tracks already in Cubase you need to double click the Drag button to enable sync to host but if you see the pic below and the link it will be made easier.

It would seem a great pain to not be able to try out different styles or progression tweaks - against EXISTING MIDI and audio in other Cubase tracks - if each time ANY change is made to the BIAB plugin one constantly needs to re-drag stuff onto Cubase tracks?

You don't have to re-drag as it will sync, as mentioned it didn'y sync originally in the Win beta release.

Is there a plan down the road to - instead, as an option - just be able to output all the separate audio from BIAB in real-time onto separate Cubase audio tracks?

You can do that now just have a Plugin on each of those tracks.
Say on one track I have Amplitube or Guitar Rig after the Biab Plugin,
in the Biab Plugin I load the SGU, select MultiRiff of a Direct Input Guitar,
now I just select one track to sync with the host, play Cubase and see how that track fits, if not I try the next MultiRiff.

in other words have the plugin work as other multi-channel-audio-output plugins like KONTAKT or HALION or EZ Drummer would....

For midi Yes you can send each channel from the Biab Plugin to any other track with a different Virtual Instrument or as above you can have another Biab Plugin on that Virtual Instrument track and when MidiMultiRiffs are added choose the one that fits best.

See this post https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=554531#Post554531