Originally Posted By: ColinMc1
The sync host button doesn't exist on the Mac version - a feature that needs adding, as well as chord output to utilise the Chord Track feature within Cubase - my top 2 feature requests.

Yea, that's just a mock up pic of how it should be, but I'm sure they will be working on those now.

Originally Posted By: nonchai
Originally Posted By: Pipeline

Nothing is streamed from the BBW4.app

Speaking of the BB4 app - what is apparent ( and maybe mentioned already by you ) is that whenever a style is auditioned via the style picker dialog that currently goes out of the main Mac audio outputs.

This might be ok for some purposes but not others. There might be dramatically different volume levels at play between the Daw outputs and Mac main outputs. So clearly this might be a case where audio needs to be streamed from BB4 into the plugin

Yea that's the same with the Win version but what they want to do is have the m4a RT RD and STY demos play thru the DAW track.