Hi Noel, Ray, Floyd, Janne, Beatmaster, Dave and Misha,
Thanks a lot for listening and commenting on this song.

Noel, thanks for hearing my convidence in singing in this song. It almost left me when I had to change the original melody and the lyrics. But I'm happy with the changes now.

Ray and Dave, thanks for your compliments on the song and of course to Joanne's effort in following my singing. I think in that maybe I'm not an easy man...

Janne, you made me glow with pride that finally I reached a top 10 and especially YOUR Top 10! It's an honour!

Beatmaster, I am not sure I understand what you meant with 'My speaking/singing' makes it hard to understand what I sing. I thought I was singing, not speaking. Or maybe you hear a Dutch accent? I try avoiding that, but apparently not succesfully. Can you explain it to me? And in the post and on SC are the lyrics! But thanks for your comment.

Floyd and Misha, I thought Ray would have joined your comment on the harsh, high tone of a violin and me doing unjustice to Joanne's voice(s). But he was satisfied with wath he heard. And hopefully you too when hearing I made a new version that meets your complains. But it was intentionally that Joanne's voice had to sound more like thin air. My voice symbolized the potential force of the wind, hers the softness of the wind. But now we are more equal. MeToo now also be at ease, I hope (joke).

I have learned from all of you, so thanks for that,

Hans Berkhout