Why a good thread was moved out of sight? Questions, questions...

Charlie: Quote:
"The genius of BIAB/RB is not its simplicity but its complexity"
I think this is why I feel you are wrong. You are talking about "abilities and functions". The genius in my opinion is to make complex things eatable "out of the box" smile

Again, here:
"I just don't think it's an appearance and coding issue."
It is about appearance (and workflow!) Charlie, you are still missing the point!

We are not talking about You and me. We are talking about the future (topic theme) and future followers?!

Yes, You + me & couple of thousand boys and girls will accept the software as it is, learn all scattered pop up menus and functions hidden in random places and move on with their lives. New kids will come, look at it and say: "Gimme mymoni back!" and slap a negative feedback somewhere in high traffic area. Nobody needs that. We need people who will open it it, press couple of intuitive buttons and fall in love with it. And only then decide how far they want to experience it.

BIAB has to be:
Appealing and inviting, menus sorted, cleaned and put in a more logical sorted way. Get rid of 90s BoX menues. This is not hard to do. At least far not the hardest thing to do.