Ok, this song IS emotion! It's one of those songs that captures a feeling so well that you sort of lose sight that it's a song and feel like you've just witnessed something. It's a story told so unbelievably well.

To expand on that a little bit without going too far, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is one of those types of songs. I'm not saying this sounds like that, just the power of the writing and performance get you to that place.

You three have so expertly accomplished this through the use of a well-delivered melody and harmonies, fantastic guitar work, production, and extra attention to the details of the lyrics. Instead of using words like Mom or Dad you chose words like Mommy and Daddy. Those words I want really drive it home.

The feel has even taking on life in the cover photo. From what I've seen, a lot of your covers have a really cool blue Spectrum to them. The Earth Tones had me expecting something different, and it was delivered

I lend on the overall sobering subject matter. I commend you for bringing it into perspective for those of us who may have forgotten the fears of a child. it's especially poignant given the times were in.

I am sitting in sitting in a parking lot as I write this. And by right, I mean speak it into my phone. I'm quite certain there will be many typos and it's not overly easy for me to go back and put in correct. I'm getting better at not worrying about that and just getting the comment out. that's what's most important in a work as amazing as this is! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It is truly top-notch in every aspect!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.