Hello Toucher,

I thank you for your comment.

Hello Birchwood,

You know I hesitated to introduce the backing vocals earlier but I wanted to introduce the intruders gradually and because the song is short, I made this choice. Thanks for coming

Hello Videotrack

The orchestral is not easy, because no poetry is associated with it and this one is present only by the melody which leaves the door open to the dreaming of the listeners and to the words which they want to put on it.
It is true that this site is made more for songwriters than for intrumentalists. Thank you for your nice comment.

Hello Janice et Bud

It is always a pleasure to read your encouraging comments. It is true that I really like the orchestral.
Again a big thank you to you

Kindly regard

Dero13 alias JaniJackFlash

Last edited by Dero13; 08/22/20 08:53 PM.

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash