Originally Posted By: floyd jane
We worked on this song years ago.
Then Scott took it over.
I don't remember specifics, but I don't think there is much of me left in this.
So, Scott really deserves the credit for how it turned out.

Janice, Thanks! a bunch for joining me to do the harmonies!!

Having recently read Guitarhacker's 10 Co-Writing Commandments, I am now bound to the code, but I believe I can make a few comments without getting into too much trouble.

Foremost, this is absolutely a co-write and a co-production and any credit belongs to the team.

Floyd and I didn't quite finish this song together, but there was little left to do when we stopped working on it. Floyd is such a prolific songwriter who collabs with so many people on so many projects, it's no wonder he doesn't remember some of the details, but let me tell 'ya, his contributions were huge. We started with a basic melody, a style, and some lyrics, but the title was something else, the chorus was different, the verses were not developed. Floyd transformed the song into what it is.

And when he and Janice offered to lend their voices to the project, well, that was icing on the cake.

Thanks for the spins and the feedback. I'll swing back around later and respond to some of the comments.

Be well.
