Hello, formulates. Wrote another song this Xmas that I wanted to share. Like the last, it is from the era before me. Will post the tracks soon. Wanted to wish everyone tidings of peace, love, comfort and joy! Merry Xmas all!! Take care. Greg


Christmas Eve Alone

It’s almost too much to believe
That I’d drop by on Christmas Eve
And find you here, I was so sure you wouldn’t be at home
Probably nothing for me in Santa’s sleigh
But this must be my lucky day
No on should spend Christmas Eve alone

I should have called ahead, but hey
I didn’t know just what to say
I thought I’d leave a note or something to wish you Christmas cheer
I know it’s been so many years
I wasn’t sure you still lived here
No one should spend Christmas Eve alone

I know no one lives without regret
But you’re the one I can’t forget
Ain’t met another like you yet
And I probably never will
Yet, here we are, this could be fate
My heart says it’s not too late
I truly feel that love might fit the bill

So let’s talk a while, we’ll take it slow
Just in case, I brought some mistletoe
I can pull it from my pocket if you’re feeling so inclined
You know I’m not the optimistic kind
But I’ve got romance on my mind
No one should spend Christmas Eve alone