Hi Misha,

Who wouldn't want to live in the other part of town! It must be partytime in relation to your lyrics!
I enjoyed this genuine Misha song very, very much! The band sounds so bright, the percussion was fantastic.
In that part I don't hear a shortage of mixing labour, or too much of it!
I was thinking of bringing the vocals more upfront, but I don't know
in your songs you use the vocals as an instrument as well; they are that mysterious, mystical sound that gives your music that Eastern touch (more Russian, I think). And if you take that in mind, then the vocals have the just amount of volume.
But you can bring up the volume of the vocals and let us judge again?

As I said, I enjoyed it very much. I have one remark though. since I am not familiair with the word ketonic, I looked it up; It says "A ketogenic diet is the strictest form of a low-carb diet". So you just learned me what to avoid. But the remark is about the word itself. In your lyrics and singing you used 'ketonic', but it is 'ketogenic' (I admit; a lousy word to use in a song. As where it stands for ;-) )
I don't want you to hate me on this, so let's drink a glass some time, or make a song together...


Hans Berkhout