I have a Presonus 192 on the backup machine. I have a Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 on the new i9. I just never have replaced the Pro Fire 2626. I really want at least four 1/4" inputs and at least two Xlr inputs.

When I get a new interface it will have at least those requirements whatever it cost. I can say the routing on the old Pro Fire was always baffling to me. Both the 192 and the Audio 6 routing are pretty straightforward.

I am also using Studio One 5 Pro. That is one reason I was looking at the PreSonus Quantum 2626 26x26 Thunderbolt 3 Audio Interface M1 Chip Compatible, 26x26-8 Mic Pres at $650.

I was also looking at the Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre USB-C Audio Interface. It is at the top of the budget range at $1000.

The Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen USB Audio Interface at $550 is the least expensive and has 8 xlr/1/4" inputs.

All three have enough inputs. I am only using a SM57 on a guitar amp or a ribbon mic on an acoustic guitar. With the pandemic, no one is coming over any longer to play live. I don't see that changing anytime soon here in Miami.

Which is best? Thunderbolt? USB-C? USB-2? Does it really matter?

Will any or all of the above run on Windows 11?


“Amazing! I’ll be working with Jaco Pastorius, Charlie Parker, Art Tatum, and Buddy Rich, and you’re telling me it’s not that great of a gig?
“Well…” Saint Peter, hesitated, “God’s got this girlfriend who thinks she can sing…”