Scripting will allow you to create a single action or a GUI.
Hopefully this should be added to the Biab menu "Scripts"
so any AHK scripts in \bb\Scripts will shown in the menu and run from there with one click.
Any ahk scripts in sub folders will show in sub menus allowing you to put them in categories.

To get started Download
If you have Biab running As Administrator go to the install folder
C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey and set AutoHotkey.exe to Run As Administrator.

Here is a simple basic action to set the Tempo
#SingleInstance Force

winactivate, ahk_class TBandWindow
Send, ^!t

copy and paste into Notepad and save as Edit Tempo.ahk

winactivate will focus on the Biab window (ahk_class TBandWindow)
you get the window or dialog name by running WindowSpy.ahk and clicking on the window or dialog you want to focus on and it will give you the ahk_class name.

Send will send a keystroke or combination ^!t is ctrl+alt+t

^ = ctrl
+ = shift
! = alt
# = win

If we want to set the Tempo to 80bpm
#SingleInstance Force

winactivate, ahk_class TBandWindow
Send, ^!t
Send, 80
Send, {Enter}


{Enter} will send enter key to enter amount and close dialog.

To access menus we use WinMenuSelectItem
#SingleInstance Force

WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class TBandWindow, , Edit, Insert Bar(s)...


The name needs to be exactly the same as in the actual menu.

Sleep will give a delay to give Biab time to run a function before sending another command.
Sleep, 1000 = 1 sec delay
so you can put that in the line before a Send to give Biab a bit of time to do what it needs to do.

Some Dialogs will allow short keys so if you press alt key they will show an undersccore for the shortcut key, so we
Send, !d
To navigate you can Send, {Tab} (this will remove Harmony)
#SingleInstance Force
WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class TBandWindow, , Harmony, Melody Harmony (select)...
Sleep, 500
Send, {Tab 7}
Send, {Enter}


Send, {Tab 7} = send Tab 7 times
Send, +{Tab 3} = send shift+tab 3 times

To put a pause or message box with Ok button
MsgBox, Text to Show

Here's a simple always on top GUI with 1 button.
You can add more buttons, each button (gAction01) will have a function (Action01: ???? Return) below:

#SingleInstance Force

Gui, +AlwaysOnTop

Gui, Font, S10 cBlue Bold, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10, Some Text

Gui, Add, Button, x10 y30 h38 w130 gAction01, Name of Button

Gui Show, w300 h300, GUI Window Name


winactivate, ahk_class TBandWindow
Send, ^!t
Send, 80
Send, {Enter}



There is no end of info for doing almost anything, let me know what action you need or just do an internet search: autohotkey "what I want to do"