First and foremost we are sad to hear of Maha's lack of progress and wish you both the strength (the love is obviously already there) to work through this and we deeply hope improvement is around the corner.
Well if anyone needed a reminder of just how amazing you are with video productions this should serve that purpose! As a couple of folks who just started lip syncing videos you have my deepest admiration for the skill and patience to create this.
No surprise that the song is most cool and nicely performed. I guess we lean toward version two if cornered into an opinion. The first slower version is sweet but the second faster version has a passionate vocal that displays your Otis Redding influence (a good thing indeed!) However, we did certainly enjoy all the photos of Maha in the first version.
Dear Janice, dear Bud,
thank you soooooo much for everything so kind and so nice that you wrote. I passed your good wishes to Maha and she was really touched, believe me.
I am glad that you enjoyed the song and the video, and hearing some Otis Reding influence is certainly a most flattering compliment.
I will send you an e-mail very soon and
give you some info about was has happened over here. And I'm checking out how I can return to the forum at least for a couüle of minutes every day without slighting my duties.
Thanks again for yozr affection - take good care of each other,