I suggest paying particular attention when using copy/paste to the start and end of the copy. If you are copying from measure 32 and want to get the entire measure, the dialog box should show 32-1-0 as the start and 32-4-119 as the end of the copy. If you want to paste this at the beginning of measure 39 then the paste dialog should show 39-1-0 as to where the paste is going to be inserted. Otherwise you may end up with things slightly off in your editing.

If you are working on a single track, you can select the 'snap' button which will make your copying start at one of the boundaries of a measure like 4-1-0, 4-2-0, 4-3-0 or 4-4-0 as an example and you can then expand the copy as far as you wish knowing it will end at some other measure boundary end point like 7-4-119. I use this feature a lot while editing knowing that the star and end of my copy will match up perfectly.
