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Posted By: SteelPlayer ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 02:40 PM
A recent thread on here about ForteDXi led to a question:

I bought ForteDXi years ago and it works just fine as it is, but I noticed in the thread in question, that ForteDXi is currently at version 1.6 and my version is 1.1, so the question is:
Is it possible to upgrade or would I have to buy it again?

My reason for wanting version 1.6 is, that my present music-PC is running Windows 7 and it's heading for retirement and the NeXT one will be either Win 8.1 or 10 - don't know yet - but I will wan't everything on it to be "latest and greatest".

Posted By: jford Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 03:02 PM
I think you can download the latest ForteDXi here.

It is a demo version, but your original license should be able to unlock it. I know I started with the first version and upgraded through to 1.6 using the same license code and never had a problem.

Posted By: SteelPlayer Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 04:20 PM
Thanks a lot John!

The only download path I found was through "Other Software" -> etc.etc. ending here:
where the only option is the "$40 Buy and download now!"-button, so I never found my way to that link.

Thanks Again!

Posted By: Larry Kehl Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 04:28 PM
click on blue text at top of ad that says

"Download the fully-functional Coyote ForteDXi Demo"
Posted By: jford Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 04:57 PM
What Larry said!

By the way, Ole, my wife and I loved it when we visited København (although that was many years ago). I was in the US military stationed in West Germany at the time and we drove from Frankfurt to København and stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast.

I, myself, am half-Norwegian and have a lot of family in the Oslo area. There are a lot of ties between then Dansk and the Norsk, to include the written language.

I hope the ForteDXi works out for you.
Posted By: SteelPlayer Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 05:19 PM
Larry, John,

Like I said: I never got to that page, so the only option I had was to buy again (or so it seemed), but following John's link I got it and it's working just fine now as 1.6. Thanks again!

I'm glad to hear that you had a good time here! We have a nice country - albeit very expensive unfortunately - but still nice.

Posted By: SteelPlayer Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 05:21 PM

BTW: What you said about the written languages in Denmark and Norway is very true indeed. We have almost identical languages when seen in writing, but listening to them, you would probably never guess that they were related.

Posted By: jford Re: ForteDXi upgrade question - 04/09/15 06:18 PM
Norway is expensive, as well. But the standard of living is pretty high. North Sea oil helps in that regard.

Yes, I had no problem reading signs and menus (I used to be fluent in Norwegian - written and spoken - but lack of use has diminished my abilities), but luckily (as in Norway) most everybody spoke English. Actually, what I noticed just walking down the street was that some people started a conversation in Danish and transitioned easily to English, and even added a smattering of German or French. That just doesn't happen in the US.

But I digress. Sorry you had to buy it again; I'm glad it worked out for you, but I would contact PGMusic, as they should have a record of your original purchase and might give you a refund on the new purchase.
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