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Posted By: cooltouch Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/01/18 09:00 PM
I'm still using BiaB 2017 by the way.

So I managed to put down a real cute little 8-bar phrase and I would like to grow it to 32, but I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with anything I like, so I just thought, what the heck, why not let Melodist do it? It's worked for me in the past. I already have a melody and chords for the 8 bars, and have selected a style that includes some MIDI and some Realtracks.

So first thing I do is expand the 8-bar chorus into a 32 bar chorus. Then I go into Melodist and indicate that it is to generate chords and a melody, but I also toggle "Part of a song," and I indicate that it should start on bar 9, Chorus 1, and #bars to 24. I also uncheck "Allow Style Change," and "Auto Tempo," but I always do this when I use the Melodist, so I doubt if they're messing with things.

So what it ends up doing is nothing from bar 9 to bar 24, well the melody at least. Then at bar 24 it fills in a melody that lasts for only 8 bars. But it generated a new chord progression for the 24 bars. So after that bit of wonkiness, I unchecked "Generate Chords" and tried it again, but I just wanted it to generate the melody the next time. But nope, it still did the same thing -- generated a melody for bars 24-32 only. I've tried this more than once just to be sure it wasn't having a hiccup or something.

So got any ideas what I might have overlooked? Thanks as always for any help you'd care to provide.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/02/18 12:39 AM
Hi Michael,

It worked for me. The image below shows all the settings I had. (Do you have the latest update installed? It's HERE if you want to check.)


Attached picture melodist partial song regenerate.JPG
Hi Cooltouch,

I can definitely confirm that this is working fine for me too (using 2017, build 471), and I don't remember this issue ever coming up before (the Melodist hasn't changed much in a long time). Are you using build 471?

What you're describing is exactly what would happen if someone got the "Bar" and "# Bars" fields mixed up, and told Band-in-a-Box to generate a 9-bar melody starting on bar 24, instead of a 24-bar melody, starting on bar 9.

PG Music
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/08/18 02:06 AM
Finally getting back to this thread -- I had everything set pretty much the same as Noel shows when this was happening. Tried it again just now, and it's working the way it's supposed to. Only thing I can figure is that I set it to Part of a Song and then maybe a careless swipe of the mouse or something might have changed it to Whole Song. And then I neglected to recheck this setting. This isn't the way I normally do things, but what else could it have been?
Posted By: jford Re: Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/08/18 11:15 AM
Who knows? I can't tell you how many times I've had problems with playback, spent an hour troubleshooting, even re-installed drivers, to then realize that I had just muted the soundcard and that's why I didn't get any sound.

Shhhhh!...IT happens.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/08/18 07:15 PM
Originally Posted By: jford
Who knows? I can't tell you how many times I've had problems with playback, spent an hour troubleshooting... to then realize that I had just muted the soundcard and that's why I didn't get any sound.

Shhhhh!...IT happens.

Indeed it does... I've been on that boat a few times!
Posted By: cooltouch Re: Melodist isn't following "orders." - 06/09/18 09:48 AM
Heh. Me too!

Especially with the volume or a cleverly concealed "mute" toggled.
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