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Posted By: Digittydog Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 06:59 PM
I purchased this after calling both the dealer and PG with several questions. My objective is simple. My kids are all learning Bluegrass fiddle and the "learning by ear" system is impossible to manage. I need to create practice tracks for all their songs, so they can practice effectively when I am out of town for work.

Where do I get started finding styles that sound professional? All I can find is horrible midi sound. So far this experience has been the same as everything else, plenty of salesmen, no real answers, no one there to help, total self-service, a random list of files.

I may commit arson soon.
Posted By: Digittydog Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 09:21 PM
I will call on Monday. No help = send this back
Posted By: Noel96 Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 09:25 PM
Hi Digittydog,

Welcome to the forum of users.

BIAB will do what you want it to. How "professional" it sounds will depend on the Realtracks that came with the version your bought. For your reference, Realtracks are professional musicians' performances that BIAB pitch-shifts to play with the chords entered. They sound amazing. If you have a listen to the Realtracks at the link below, you'll hear what I mean.

I had a look at the webpage you've given and there's no real indication as to what Realtracks were included in the package. My impression of Janet's webpage is that the $99.95 Bluegrass Pak is an entry level version of BIAB that Janet has put together for a specific purpose. If you have a look at the various versions of BIAB that PG Music sell (see link below), you'll see what I mean.

What you can try, is to click on the "Styles" button, in the "Category" window, under "Country" select "Bluegrass", and have a look ans see what styles you have (these are to the right of the Category window). The styles that begin with _ or = include Realtracks and will sound professional. Styles that don't have _ or = at the beginning are MIDI styles. To open a particular style, simply double-click on it or select it and choose "OK".

Note that MIDI styles can certainly sound very professional but they are highly dependent on the synthesizer that drives the sound. With basic Windows/Mac sounds, MIDI tends to sound a little underwhelming. With a good software or hardware synthesizer, though, the sound is very impressive. For most of my songs, I tend to use a combination of MIDI and Realtracks.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: Kemmrich Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 09:34 PM
Yes, The package you bought looks to be the midi-only version. BIAB has versions now that have "real tracks" in them that sound great -- but they cost a lot more.

Now the midi stuff will sound pretty good, too -- if you have sound modules that "interpret" the midi directions into good sounding audio. Just remember that midi is just 1's and 0's -- no sound at all. Your default PC soundcard has the standard general midi mapping that, well, sounds cheesy.

Don't despair -- I think you can make drums, bass, piano backing tracks that can sound pretty good with just about any flavor of sound card. I'll be out of town for a few days, but the folks around here are friendly and will help you out.


P.S. Here's a few "bluegrassy" type tunes I did with BIAB real tracks as the backing band:

You Start Things Spinning:
Hey, Hey:
Won and Lost:
Posted By: DrDan Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 09:38 PM

Where do I get started finding styles that sound professional? All I can find is horrible midi sound. So far this experience has been the same as everything else, plenty of salesmen, no real answers, no one there to help, total self-service, a random list of files.

No salesmen here only users - and for the most part satisfied users. BIAB is not a DVD you ploup the kids in front of and tell them to sit and watch it until you come home. It is also not a toy which provides instant gratification. It is a serious musical education that requires the users time and effort. I would suggest you go to work and tell the kids to visit this forum and ask questions and learn for other experienced users of the application. You may be surpirzed at what they are able to accomplish when you return. Sorry to sound blunt - I am having a bad day.
Posted By: DrDan Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 09:49 PM

Now the midi stuff will sound pretty good, too -- if you have sound modules that "interpret" the midi directions into good sounding audio. Just remember that midi is just 1's and 0's -- no sound at all. Your default PC soundcard has the standard general midi mapping that, well, sounds cheesy.

I am feeling a little better now. Again hope I didn't come across rude.

Kevin is right on here. So tell us what are you using as a midi sound module? If it is the default PC sound card then your ears are likly correct in that it sounds "cheezy". There is a free 30 day download of an excellent DXi synth which provide far superior Midi Sound. check it out.
Posted By: Chris (SwingingSoft) Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 10:19 PM
+1 for the Forte Dxi vsti. Good sounds for a tiny price.
The other way to have good midi sounds is to buy an external soundmodule like the Ketron SD2. It's not the same price but it is really good for acoustic sounds.
Posted By: WillM Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 10:21 PM

We are certainly here to help. These are our user forums, so if you'd like to get in touch with us directly, we'd be happy to speak with you and provide advice and answers to your questions. Please feel free to call us or visit us on Live Chat (our hours and all contact details are linked in my signature).

Regarding your issue, if you'd like professional sounding bluegrass, you can certainly improve your MIDI sound as advised above. For the most realistic sound, you may also be interested in our Bluegrass RealTracks - in particular, RealTracks Sets 11,12,33,62,96,121,153. You can preview them on our RealTracks page:

You can purchase any of these individually for $29, or in a Country RealPAK (Volume 1 contains sets 11,12,33 and a lot of other Country RealTracks & Drums!).

Again, feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
Posted By: Digittydog Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 10:52 PM
My kids are baby, 3 1/2, 6, and 8. They can't do it.
Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/03/12 11:39 PM
I am confused diggity, what are you looking for? and how can we help?
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/04/12 12:55 PM
I may be wrong but I feel a slight leg pull here.

Posted By: Joe Gordon Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/04/12 01:19 PM
I wonder if he's related to my cross-dressing Ukranian friend?!! Joe G.
Posted By: Digittydog Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/04/12 07:02 PM
Joe: I have no idea what that means.

All: I am a newbe to recording, pro audio, and band in a box. Do do understand music, chrods, etc.

Without rehashing the above... I am someone who looked all over the website at real track demos, styles, and more. I realized I could create practice tracks for my kids fiddle studies. My oldest 2 kids take lessons. My 7 1/2 year old has 30- 40 tunes and plays in OTF contests. Dad can't strum with her every night for long periods, and has to be out of town as a traveling salesman every week for a couple of days.

I wanted the sounds I heard in the bluegrass related real tracks.
I was confused by the number of packages offered.
I called PG sales 3 times and spoke to a female sales rep.
I called Janet Davis music multiple times because they are a dealer and specialize in bluegrass related stuff.
Both parties were polite.
It was still unclear if the "bluegrass pack" being offered would do what I needed or not, but I was told it had realistic enough sounds for performance backing tracks.
This was not the case.
I should have purchased the ultra plus or everything pack,

Yesterday I called PG tech support and got some questions answered. I also upgraded to Ultra plus package. Since downloading certain real tracks, I am on my way.

I still have some questions, but will try and put those in the appropriate places.

Thanks for your time and effort to help.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/04/12 07:08 PM
DiggityDog, that's good you got help, and PG Music's support is indeed great. You might do us a favor by posting those solutions, so we can help others when that problem shows up again.

Never mind the unusual comments, they are making an inside joke based on some of the odd folks who have appeared here in the past. We all welcome you to the forum. You will be helping others soon.
Posted By: Joe Gordon Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/05/12 12:10 AM
Yes welcome!Obviously no relation to the aforementioned "friend" Matt said , there have been some very odd people trying to cause a few problems in the past. This is a really helpful & friendly forum.....plenty of'll always find help & answers to most problems. Welcome again! Joe G.
Posted By: Danny C. Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/05/12 03:24 PM
I said I might be wrong . . . now Joe and his cross dressing friend hmmmmm that is another can of beans.

Posted By: ZeroZero Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/06/12 10:32 AM
Band in a box real tracks is what you really need. Try sampling a few utube videos or go to the PG site.
To my ears MIDI is never satisfactory. Rest assured that with real tracks you will be able to create authentic bluegrass, or at least country style tracks in a variety of genres all in less than a minute (once you know how to neter chords). Thats the great thing about BIAB it may be quirky, but it gets you playing immediately.
The demos are easy for YOU to create

Posted By: Rob Helms Re: Frustrated getting started - 03/07/12 06:01 AM
One thing to keep in mind, while Zee is right, midi in it's simple state, (using a cheap synth) does not sound great, it can be just fine for a play along practice pal, and not too easily overlooked. There are a ton of blue grass tunes to play with in the BB folder on installation.
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