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I just installed the 2016 update - first of all it keeps asking me to install pdf995 after i already installed it, and rebooted, etc. , several times.
So I cannot send the output to a PDF file.

secondly, when I asked for a preview I get a title with a totally black page where the chords ought to be.

third, when I print out the chord sheet directly, there is no title at the top.

Fourth, (and this is trivial) the slash marks dont appear in the first measure.

I guess they didn't bother to test this first (at least not with Windows 10) ?

As an experiment (because it will help isolate your problem)....

1. close BIAB

2. right-click on BIAB's startup shortcut

3. select "Run As Administrator"

Now, when BIAB starts, try the printing and see how it goes.


When you say "I just installed the 2016 update", does this mean that you upgraded to BIAB 2016 from an earlier version of the program (say BIAB 2015) or that you've installed the latest update for an already-installed BIAB 2016?

If it's the latter, and the problem arose from updating to the latest build of BIAB 2016, simply download the previous build that you used from the link below. You'll be able to re-install this and it will revert to the previous build.

(Please note, that with the above, I'm assuming that you've been running it fine on Windows 10 prior to this happening.)


P.S. I'm not PG Music staff, so I cannot speak for them, but there are many people on the forums here who run BIAB in Windows 10 and it operates well. From what I see on the forum, the program has been very heavily tested in Windows 10. This is the first time that I've come across the problem you describe.
Well, I had BIAB 2014 with windows 10, but that had the same problem, so I thought perhaps the upgrade would cure it. But I see the same thing with BIAB 2016.

I also noticed some thing else weird - when I am playing a song, the first measure of the chord display gets "whited out." There again, a minor glitch, but I can help wondering why they didnt test this.
Thanks for the extra information, Bill.

When you tried steps 1, 2, 3 in my previous email, what happened?


...under "Help | About Band In A Box", see if the version is listed as 2016(438), if not, download build update 438 from the link below and install it.

Yes, I ran as administrator, did not make any difference.

Also noticed that the yellow alert panel has white text, which is impossible to read. I could not make the alert text another color.

I get the impression that they put this new version out without testing it for Windows 10 compatibility. So when people get Windows 10, they get this really nasty surprise.

When I went back and looked at the version, it says build 437. I thought I paid for the latest update. I guess it did not give me that?
Thanks, Bill.

As previously mentioned in my first post, a heap of people on the forum here use Windows 10 and it's not been a problem - although some people have had to update their device drivers once Windows 10 has been installed.

I've been around these forums for a long time now and I can't recall ever having seen the issues you are experiencing. I can appreciate how frustrating it must be for you.

Seeing that this happened with BIAB 2014 on Windows 10 and now BIAB 2016, it seems to me that it might be related to your hardwares' device drivers.

The first thing I'd check is to see if your video driver is the latest version for Win 10. Out-dated video drivers can create unusual behaviour.

How would I check the video driver?

and how would I get the latest ones ?

I dont see this with any other app I am running on the same machine.

Actually, the video driver has nothing to do with printed output, which is also wrong.

Build 438 made no difference.

The easiest and fasted way to get this solved is to contact PG Music Support directly. They are fantastic to deal with. There's a toll-free phone number found under the Support button at the top of this webpage (the link it below).

When you find out what the solution, please post it here. Then there is a record in case this ever happens again to another user.

All the best,
Well, I went to another computer that still had BIAB 2014 on it, but also had the Windows 10 upgrade.

I did not see any of those problems there. so I guess the moral is:

"DONT UPGRADE TO BIAB 2016 ! ! ! ! "

I completely understand how frustrating this is. You mentioned in an earlier post that you also experienced the problem using BIAB 2014 on Windows 10 on the machine that is presently causing grief.

It's great that the program is working on your other machine. To my way of thinking, the fact that the two computers behave differently re-inforces that it might be a device driver problem.

I wish I could help further but the issue is too challenging for me to try and solve over the internet. It's definitely something that PG Music need to help with.

All the best.

Bill, you've received some excellent advice from Noel, including the suggestion to contact PG Music Support. Your conclusion about BIAB version 2016 is contraindicated by the experience of others, so I respectfully suggest you work the problem further and let the company assist you.

You mentioned PDF995 in your first post, and this was reported by a few other users (but not all, for some reason). It is not necessary to install this. Although it is handy to have a menu option within BIAB, you have always been able to print to a PDF file from any version of Windows in the last 20 years by installing one of many available free PDF printer drivers (I use Cute PDF) and printing to that driver instead of a regular printer. Hope that helps.
Since I cannot get technical help on this issue, I should ask for a refund. How do I go about that ?
That would be PG Music Sales.

Please remember that this is not the place to get technical help from the company. We are only fellow users. What was your experience when you called PG Music Support and asked for help?
Bill, you've received some excellent advice from some of the best power users of this forum.

I sense your frustration at not having resolved this by now, but I can assure you that this issue is resolvable, and PG Music are probably the best people to assist you to quickly sort this out.

Please remember that we are all end users of the products and we assist each other with many issues, but PG Music are the product developers, and often are able to provide more detailed support than we can.

It was suggested several times that you contact PG Music directly. What was the result of that process? You did do that, didn't you?

It's probable that if the issue was with the product, then more people would have the issue. Yes?

The fact that it is more isolated possibly indicates a setting unique to your system. PG Music Support can more likely resolve for you.

Hang in there, and get them to help you. The company has an incredible reputation in assisting those who seek their help.

You need to help yourself to resolve rather than giving up.
Just call support and tell them you don't know what you are doing.... grin
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