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This started with version 2011 for mac, & I thought it would be cleaned up on 2011.5, but it wasn't. I have tried this on two Mac's, a Mac Pro w/7GB RAM, and an IMac with 8GB RAM both with fast hard drives. Regardless of whether I use Real drums or midi drums, unless I freeze the drums track, the drums play out of sync with the other tracks. I have even done this playing directly off of the hard drive that my 2011.5 was shipped on as opposed to playing from my internal hard drive that BIAB is installed on and it happens both ways. What's up?? I have seen other posts about this, but so far no fix has been brought forth! I think we need a patch to fix this problem ya know??? In fact, I believe this actually started after the last update to 2011 which was build 26 I believe. I wasn't having a problem before then.
I forgot to add, rendering the tracks has no effect for me, the drums are still out of sync even after rendering
Timely post GMan!

We just released a patch for this issue. If you have 2011, or 2011.5, you should update with this patch...

The issue only happens on the newer OSX versions (Snow Leopard and Lion). So if you just upgraded, you'd notice the problem.

In those versions, the way that m4a files got decoded changed slightly, resulting in some RealTracks being out of sync slightly with RealDrums.

The patch works on all OSX versions, so can be installed by anyone with Mac Band-in-a-Box 2011 or 2011.5
Thanks for the fix Peter!! It wasn't an earth shattering problem, but it was annoying, glad you fixed it quickly!
There is still a problem. If you load an all-RealTracks demo, for example, generate the tune via the play icon, all is fine. If you then stop the playback and double-click bar 1 to play again, the drums track is now WAY out of sync. Haven't explored much more than that, but this is pretty obvious, and I have seen it on several examples. This is with 2011.5 build 36.
JazzMac, Yes I noticed that too. Will upload a new build tomorrow. Also adds a few things (such as crossfades on tempo changes to keep them quiet). Thanks for reporting it.
Thanks jazzmac and Gitarman1.

Please try dowloading MacBB build 37 to see if it fixes the problems. I can't duplicate those issues on build 37.
As far as I can see so far, it is totally fixed. Thanks for the rapid attention. The sound is the best yet. Excellent!!
Thanks for the good news, jazzmac!
Everything looks great so far, thanks for the quick fix!!! Lovin' the program!!
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