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Posted By: wwhite3 Need a good refresher - 12/10/22 12:54 AM
I owned BB many years ago - wrote and generated several songs on it but stopped using and deleted the software years ago - maybe 10 or more.

I just got the 2023 version and while the interface is essentially the same I can't seem to find basic functions I know I had.

It may well be that the "pro" version (most basic) simply doesn't have them - or maybe I need a basic tutorial

The two things in particular I can't see how to do -

Change the instruments in a given style (in the style picker, all the tracks have no options to change anything)

Have an instrument generate a solo or melody rather than just playing around the chords.

I will search YouTube videos to see if that helps. but if those two things can't be done in the version I have, I'd hate to spend time doing that.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Need a good refresher - 12/10/22 02:06 AM
Welcome back.

It may well be that the "pro" version (most basic) simply doesn't have them - or maybe I need a basic tutorial

All versions Pro through to Audiophile have the exact same user interface, so it won't be related to the display features.

Try searching for Videos on the tips you require at this link.

There are also Tutorials at this link
Posted By: Gordon Scott Re: Need a good refresher - 12/10/22 06:24 AM
Henry Clarke does an excellent job explaining how to go about things.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: Need a good refresher - 12/10/22 07:06 AM
Yes, very good advice.

Henry does some great things with BiaB including some great startup videos.
Posted By: wwhite3 Re: Need a good refresher - 12/10/22 08:41 PM
Thanks VERY much for the resource.

One pretty dumb issue I realized - I was in RealBand and not BB itself! No wonder the interface looked different (it was the icon on my desktop that was on the top - BB was on the bottom and I never noticed!

I will use the resource you both recommended and I'm sure the cobwebs will be shaken out of my brain!

Thanks again!!
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