PG Music Forum Rules

Registration as a User implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

  1. All material posted or uploaded to the forum remains the property of the original poster and PG Music Inc. The moderators and administrators of this site reserve the right without notice to access or view all such material including posts, profile information, emails sent through the forum software, and personal messages, to edit the subject of a post, or to move, rename, reclassify, or delete any post or other material at any time.
  2. There will be no profanity or foul language. Any disruptive language will be removed and you may receive sanctions.
  3. There will be no racial, ethnic, or gender based insults or any other personal discrimination.
  4. There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory.
  5. Spamming is not permitted.
  6. Pornography, warez, piracy, software hacking, or any other illegal transactions may NOT be linked in any shape or form.
  7. Advertising is forbidden in any relation to your account except by explicit permission.  This includes, but is not limited to, any goods for sale, advertising websites, and commercial-related or competing products. 
  8. Posting (or requesting) links to songs, music or other copyrighted material is forbidden.  You are allowed to post links to your own original songs.
  9. All of the forums except for the Off Topic forum are for discussions of PG Music products only.  The Off Topic forum is used for MUSIC-RELATED discussions that aren't about PG Music products.  Please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
  10. Any impersonation of a user within these forums, in any mode of communication, is strictly prohibited and will result in the offending user being banned.
  11. Multiple account sign-ups are not allowed.
  12. Actions taken by a moderator or administrator are final.
  13. This web site does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of the material posted to the forums or bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, or other liabilities caused by any posted message.
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